Lin and Ikki

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Lin looked down at the child airbender, who stood infront of her, staring up a wide eyes.

"What?" Lin grunted.

"Nothing." She replied, her little cheeks turning red. Lin took a step forward, trying to make her way to Tenzin, rolling her eyes when Ikki moved with her.

"Are you sure?" Lin asked. Ikki seemed to think about it, her nose scrunched up for a moment before she replied.

"Its just... everyone here is so boring." The airbender exasperated. "And you... well you're exciting. You're a police officer you catch bad guys, fight triads and defend the city." Lin stifled a laugh.

"Ikki, what I do is also very, very dangerous." The child's eyes widened and Lin crouched so she was eye to eye with her. "Those triads, they are out for blood. They'll kill if they have to. The aim for the head, everytime." Ikki raised a hand, placing her small fingers on Lin's scars.

"Is that how you got these?" She asked, running her fingertips over the groove of skin. Lin closed her eyes, surprised at herself for not pulling away.

"Yes," she answered. "Something like that." Not a total lie, but not the entire truth. Ikki pulled her hand away and smiled.

"I want some, just like yours!" Lin looked at her in suprise.

"Really?" She asked the girl.

"Yeah! They make you look tough, but also gentle. And strong! And brave. Like you could take on the entire earth kingdom!" Lin chuckled, she may have even blushed at her words.

"Well then, one day, when your old enough, and an airbending master, maybe that father of yours will allow you to tag along."

"On the force?" Ikki asked, barely containing her excitement. Lin winked, standing up.

"Yeah, a real officer just like me. But you have to prove you have what it takes."

"I have what it takes! Watch!" Ikki soed of on an air scooter, demonstrating her fighting skills while Lin watched.

"It seems I have competition," Kya smirked, nudging Lin on the shoulder. Lin scoffed,

"What are you trying out for the force too?" Kya bit her bottom lip, looking at the young airbender take down a sack of the bison's hay.

"No," the waterbender replied, "I meant competition for your attention. It seems the esteemed Lin Beifong has a new best friend." Lin rolled her eyes, allowing Kya to take her arm.

"She's cute.." Lin admitted, "and so what if she's my best friend."

"Hey now, I'm not judging you." Kya said. "Its good, actually. You know, Lin, she really looks up to you."

"I guessed,"

"No, I mean really. She talks about you all the time." Lin felt herself blush.

"She says your her favorite." Kya admitted. Lin bit back a tear. She was Ikki's favorite. Nothing could make her happier.

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