Suvira Solstice

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Guys I got a holiday special, I already released the Kyalin stuff so I thought I'd do a Suvira one. It's not a lot, but it is the holidays and I haven't had my usual time to write. I hope you enjoy, and Happy Holidays!

    "Incoming!" Suyin called, setting the hot bowl of cabbage rolls on the table. Her family had gathered around the table, dressed in their colorful solstice wear.

"These look delicious, Mom," Opal smiled.

"Thanks dear, its a family recipe. Frank, its one of the few things I know how to make." Su smiled, taking off her oven mits and placing herself at the head of the table. Her eyes pinpointed the empty seat next to Huan and she frowned.

"Where's Kuvira?" She asked.

"Probably hooking up with some bending skank." Opal muttered, and Su glared at her. The doorbell rang and Su excused herself to answer it, furious at her daughter for saying that type of thing about Kuvira on such a sacred day. Su pulled open the large door, suprised to see Kuvira standing there a tin in her hands.

"Kuvira?" She said, a soft smile.

"I hope I'm not to late." She said, handing the tin to Su.

"Whats this?"

"It's ummm.. a dessert. A recipe I learned a while back." She said with a nervous glint. Su smiled, placing a hand on Kuvira's shoulder.

"Come on in," she said,"dinner just started."

Kuvira assumed her spot next to Huan, who blooded over the table as per usual. She watched Su eat with grace despite the use of chopsticks. Kuvira picked up a cabbage roll, placing on half of it in her mouth, sealing the bite.

"These cabbage rolls are amazing," she said, still chewing.

"You like them? I made them myself." Su said ecstatically.

"Best I've ever had." Su smiled, returning to her meal, listening to the twins argue about the rules of their developed sport.
Kuvira laughed, enjoying her warm meal, and Suyin's eyes on her the whole time. Things were good.

She had had a few drinks, nothing to serious, just some wine, and Su insisted she stay the night in the guest house. Kuvira protested, but the older woman insured it was nonsense, there was plenty of room and no need for Kuvira to walk halfway through the city in the dark.

"This should be enough, and of course, just hit that button if you need anything." Su said, placing the last of the pillows on the bed. Kuvirs nodded at the large, well decored bed, training herself to keep her eyes off Suyin, who seemed impossibly more irresistible in this lighting.

"Thank you, Su, truly." She replied. Su pursed her lips, digging into her pocket and pulling out a strand of waterleaf.

"You know the traditions of waterleaf during the solstice, don't you?" Su asked. Kuvits shook her head, she hadn't celebrated the solstice much growing up, it was just a longer, darker version of every other day.

"Well, because the moon is out for so long," Su began, "waterbenders find their power to be enhanced, and so does waterleaf."

"Its a flower." Kuvira said flatly. Su grinned  taking a step closer to Kuvira, causing her to blush.

"You know, in days long since past, people would use waterleaf to make potions."

"Potions? Su that is clearly a fable."

"That may be, but it doesn't change its traditions."

"Get to the point." Su walked closer to Kuvira, if that was even possible, until their chests were almost touching. Kuvira looked at Su's lips, which were well in reach of hers. Suyins deep, colored eyes, reflecting the translucent moon.

"On the solstice, when two people are together, under a bundle of waterleaf, they have to kiss." Kuvira's cheeks flashed a deep red and her breath hitched in her throat.

"Su...." she whispered, unsure if this was another one of her crushing dreams or real. She couldn't remember falling asleep, or even crawling into bed.
"Is this real?"

"Very real."

"Kiss me." Kuvira demanded. Su grinned, lifting the water leaf over their heads.

"Its tradition." Su said before Kuvira pulled her into a kiss. The younger girls hands roamed Su's waist and Su's were tangled in Kuvira's hair for one perfect moment of exposed last and passion. A moment that was too short. Su broke away, placing a finger on Kuvira's lips.

"Happy solstice," she smiled, before removing her hands and leaving Kuvirs to stare after her in silence. Suyin Beifong has given her a kiss for the solstice. A real kiss. Kuvira smiled, flopping backward onto the bed. This had perhaps been the best gift she's ever gotten.

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