The City Part 3

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  The past few days had been nothing but bliss, and Lin had to admit she was getting used to how things were. Kuvira turned out to be the mentor Lin expected, and the new officers at the precinct were proving to be the most skilled then they had ever been. Most nights her and Kuvira came home to Kya who had cooked a full course meal, and the three of them ate together.

" I got a call about the apartment today," Kuvira said as they ate.

"What'd they say?" Lin asked.

"It should be ready by Thursday." Lin raised her eyebrows, surprised. She had expected Kuvira to be here for at least another 5 days.

"Thats great," Lin replied, swallowing a mouthful.

"I was talking to our nieces today," Kya said, "There's talk of another arrow ceremony in the works. A few of the Airbender are ready for their arrows, Kai included."

"Jinora must be excited," Lin added.

"She is. But more importantly, Lin, Opal is getting hers." Lin jaw dropped, her face forming a wide grin at the news.

"Thats amazing, are they sure? It feels so soon."

"Its been longer than you think. Tenzin is ecstatic, and I'm sure that wherever my father is, he is too." Lin leaned over giving Kya a kiss on the cheek.

"Wow, to think I'll be living in an era with Airbender." Kuvira said from across the table. "It never quite feels real."

"Back in the days of Avatar Yangchen, airbenders were seen with the highest regard. The nomads often made locals stop in their tracks when one passed through their town. Their values placed them well in society, and since Yangchen was such a reknown avatar, it only boosted their status." Kya's eyes lit up as she explained to Kuvira and Lin about airbenders. Lin always thought Kya's nature was that of a nomad, and in another life she would have been an airbender. "When Aang came out of the ice and started his journey, the world couldn't believe it. A real life Airbender. Everyone thought they were dead."

"Wow," Kuvira leaned forward, engaged in Kya's stories. "I wonder what it was like for him, when he found out he was the last one. I can't imagine being the last earth bender." Kya frowned, nodding her head solemnly.

"It wasn't easy. The temple was a war zone. Everything that was left was tainted by the fire nation, all of his heritage, his culture, it was stolen."

"And somehow he managed to restore it," kuvira said, a hint of awe in her voice.

"He did. He would be so proud." Kya said with a grin. Lin smiled as she watched Kya tell more stories of her father's team avatar, it never occurred to her that Kya never had the opportunity to pass down the stories, everyone she knew was a descendant of team avatar, or was told the stories from their own parents.

Kuvira did the dishes, part of the routine they had created over the last week. Lin went to her room, surprised to find Kya in the bathroom.

"What's up?" Lin asked the waterbender. Kya looked at her with pursed lips, the small flame in her eye from the conversation at the dinner table still flickering.

"Nothing, I was just hoping I could use your shower."  Lin raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Go for it." Lin took a step back, walking backwards out the door. Kya grinned as she pulled off her top, her smirk acknowledging Lin's flushed cheeks. Having Kuvira around had proved to have one downside, they were never alone anymore. Since Lin and Kuvira had basically the same work schedule, they were always home at the same time. Lin found her mind wandering to Kya more often than before the move. Kya winked and Lin forced herself out of the bathroom, collapsing onto her bed with a grunt. She changed into nightware, laying out clothes for Kya, she assumed the water bender was staying tonight. When she left her room, Kuvira was standing at the kitchen counter, reading through some papers.

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