Love is Blind

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So I discovered the above image below on Tumblr and along with it a head cannon that Lin is actually half blind because of the incident, so here is my contribution to that. I imagine that Lin never actually told anyone because it's not that noticeable (unlike in the image) and Kya just puts two and two together. It's short, but I think it's sweet.

*as children*

"Hey Lin!" Lin jerked around when she heard Kya's voice call her.

"Hey Kya," she said, her face rejecting Kya's hands when the waterbender reached out.

"Stop fighting, let me see." Lin obeyed and allowed the waterbender to rub her soft fingers over scarred cheek, relaxing under her touch.
"Oh my god Lin I'm so sorry." Kya said solemnly, pulling her hands away.

"I'm fine, really." Kya nodded, not totally convinced.

"Come on then, let's go inside." Lin followed as Kya led her inside their airbending island home, where the table was already set with dinner. Lin took a sea where she usually did as a guest, placing the napkin on her lap per routine. She had stayed over at the Avatar's home for the past few days, since the showdown with her sister. Her mother had insisted they avoid the force until it blew over. The dynamic was much different here, it was peaceful, and cozy, and it seemed unfamiliar.

"Lin?" Lin jumped as Tenzin spoke from her side. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you!" He apologized. She looked directly at him with a blank stare. His airbending made him especially quiet on his feet, and she couldn't always feel him when he walked, and that's why she didn't know he was there until he spoke.

"Sorry, just um... it's fine." She replied, rubbing the back of her neck. She hadn't told anyone about how the vision in her right eye had slowly faded after the cable tip had struck it, and she didn't plan to. She didn't need their pity for her scars or for her vision.

Kya watched Lin's reaction to Tenzin coming up behind her. She suspected something was up, and she had for a while. The way Lin tended to look directly at someone when they spoke, or how she would occasionally reach out her right arm when she didn't think anyone was watching. And now this, Lin was the most alert person she knew, it wasn't like her to be caught off guard so easily. Kya couldn't fathom why the earthbender hadn't said anything, particularly because there was a chance Kya or Katara could heal it, but Kya remained quiet. Lin had her reasons, and Kya didn't want to be on her bad side.

Varricks wedding

Kya sidled up to Lin who held a bottle in her hand, wearing unusually nice green robes.
"Good evening," Kya grinned, sipping from her wine glass. Lin flinched, and Kya had forgotten, briefly, why so.
"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you," she apologized, the scenario sparking her memory.
"Oh- I um. I can go, on the other side if you-" Lin just chuckled and turned her face slightly in Kya's direction.

"It's fine, I can still hear you." Kya was taken aback at the gentle honesty, she had expected Lin to lash out.

"You know Lin, I'm surprised you've lasted this long," she remarked.

"Yeah well, it's the alcohol. That's all there is too it." They laughed and Kya inched closer.

"Lin, why didn't you say anything?"

"About what?"

"About... about your eye? Katara could've helped you, I could've helped you." Lin sighed and her face rested in a small smile.

"I don't think I had completely processed it yet, the whole situation I mean. And to mention I was becoming partly blind just seemed to much. So I left it alone. You only startled me because I'm off my game." She finished with a swig of her drink.

" I see," Kya said, taking a sip of her wine. "This has been such a nice event, but honestly, I'm ready to go home." Lin looked to Kya and took the waterbenders wine glass, setting both their drinks on a nearby table.

"I'll walk with you?"

"All the way to the island?"

"Yeah why not, there's more than enough room for me there. Assuming I'm welcome," Lin raised an eyebrow and Kya was caught off guard by the sudden innuendo.

"Of course, um, this way then." She gestured, hooking her arm with Lin's.

Kya noticed that Lin never flinched when Kya came up behind her ever again. It was almost as if the metalbender had learned her heartbeat and footsteps so well it was impossible to miss. Kya thought about asking Lin about it, but why would she? The woman was already her wife.

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