The Guard (Suvira) Part 1

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"Great, let's run the routine again!" Su called to the dancers  recieving a groan in reply.

"Suyin, please," Kuvira said, "we're exhausted, can't we just call it a day?" Su looked at her then to other girls, who were all panting and dousing themselves in water.

"I'm stressed about the recital."

"I know you are," Kuvira replied, "but we have jobs to get too, and I haven't had a conversation with my friends in a week." Su thought about it, pursing her lips.

"Fine, but only because you look damn good in that T-shirt." Kuvira grinned, that stupid lopsided smile that drove Su up the walls.

"I'll see you later then?"

"Guest room 4, 9pm." Su told her and the guard winked, trotting off to the other dancers and telling them to clean up and call it a day.  Kuvira cast another glance at Su, raising her eyebrow in a wink and Su crossed her arms, looking away with a gulp. Damn her.

Kuvira sat down at the small round table, there was already a drink a for her and her friends clapped at her arrival.

"The Matriarch's personal guard has arrived, Hui exclaimed with dramatic gestures.

"I know, I know, I've been busy. You can save it for another a time."

"A promotion and and dance practice, I don't know how you do it, Kuvira," Zhing said, downing his drink. I have motivation. She thought with a blush.

"Well, I'll have whatever extra motivation you got because I'm morning shift the rest of the week and well... you know how mornings are." Kuvira chuckled. She did know how mornings are. Being pushed out of Suyin's guest house, getting home to an empty apartment for a shower, only to go to practice in a couple hours anyway.

"You seem distracted, Kuv," Hui said. "Whats on your mind?"

"Hmm, nothing... everything. I have been really busy, its just hitting me now that the last time we had a drink was a week ago."

"Amen to that!" Zhing said, raising his glass. They mimicked him, clashing their glasses together. Kuvira chugged hers, slamming it on the table, dramatically requesting another. I'll need to be loose tonight. She thought. Su looked a whole other league today.

Su sat on the bed of guest room 4, waiting for the protégé. Finally, after 20 minutes, she showed up, in a white tank top and cargo pants.

"Wheres the rest of your clothes?" Su asked.

"I didn't need them, so I left them behind."

"Well less work for me." Su spoke seductively, placing a cold hand on Kuvira's collarbone. Her lips met the other girls and she pulled away.
"Have you been drinking?"

"Just two, me and the guys went out for a bit after practice."

"You and "the guys?""

"Yeah, Zhing and Hui."

"I see." Su pursed her lips and Kuvira sighed.

"What?" Kuvira asked, holding on Su's arm as long as she could before sne was out of reach.

"Nothing, its just... you know how I feel about those two."

"Suyin, believe me, they don't suspect a thing."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, 100%, there's half a braincell between the two of them." Suyin laughed, taking Kuvira back into her possession.

"Alright, I believe you." She said with a smile, her hand slipping underneath Kuvira's shirt. Kuvira ran her tongue over her lips, putting a hand to Su's cheek, pulling her into a long anticipated kiss.

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