Adventures of Zaofu

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Lin awoke abrubtly and wiped the sweat from her face. The dream of Amon, reaping her bending from her replayed in her head. She could still feel the concrete against her face as she collapsed to the ground. She got out of her bed and went to the the mirror in her bathroom, splashing water on her face.
You should talk to someone, there's many trauma groups in the city. She remembered Su's advice from when she had brought it up with her sister a couple weeks back. She sighed with relief as the shaking stopped and she relaxed a bit. Truthfully she wanted to talk to someone, but a group, a whole group of people knowing she woke up with nightmares every other night? She flopped down on her bed, her eyes heavy but her mind active. She tried to keep herself awake, but after weeks of this nightly reoccurrence she was tired.

Lin awoke the next morning to the sound of her phone ringing, she looked over at her alarm clock- 7:00am. Usually she woke up at 7:30, she only needed half an hour to get ready for work, but 7:00 would do. She walked at a leisurely pace to the phone, no doubt picking it up on its final ring.
"Lin Beifong," she answered, her voice hoarse.
"Lin?! Hi it's Pema! We would like to invite you to a ceremonial dinner tonight at air temple island!"
"A ceremony for what?"
"Oh well you know... not having to save the world and stuff..." Lin didn't reply. "Okay well maybe ceremony was the wrong word. It's a reunion thing, Katara is coming to town, so is Bumi, your sister said she'd come to see opal, oh and Kya!" Lin felt her heart stop for a moment at the mention of Kya. She hadn't seen the waterbender in a while... and well it would be nice to re connect.
"What time?" Lin asked groggily.
"dinner is at 7." Lin nodded to herself, trying not to insult Pema over the phone.
"Well alright, I'll be there."
"Great I'll tell-" Lin put the phone back on the stand and hung it up. She sighed and rubbed her face with her arm. It's just a dinner, you can do this.

Crime since Kuvira had substantially improved, and this allowed Lin to sneak away as early as five. She went hone and changed into something casual and again into something classy-casual. An earthbender robe modified to be a little less green and a lot more black. She combed her hair, side sweeping her bangs and took a moment to look at the bags under her eyes. She walked to the dock where she knew there'd be a boat waiting, Korra, Asami, Mako and Bolin were already there.
"Hey chief!" Bolin shouted.
"Hello Bolin," she said, not giving him the satisfaction of her showing how glad she was to see him.
"Looking good Lin," Asami smiled, "that robe suits you well." Lin scoffed in attempt to hide her blush.
"Who are we waiting for?" Korra asked, surveying the group.
"Me," Su Yin said, stepping out of the shadows.
"No Bataar? Or the twins?"Lin asked.
"No, the boys had dates tonight, and Bataar well... he always doing something. I told him next time he had to come make an effort to see his daughter." Lin nodded and the group began to board the boat.
"You know, I visit Opal everyday, we eat lunch together." Bolin attempted to impress Su."
"That's nice, Bolin." Su replied, uninterested. Lin stopped herself at laughing. Bolin was still trying to make up for what happened with Kuvira to this day, truthfully Lin believed Su forgave him, but just liked the way he treated her when he felt indebted. The cruise to the island could not have felt any slower, and Lin could not have gotten off the boat any quicker. Bolin and Mako were arguing over god knows what and Korra and Asami we're getting a little to close for Lin to be comfortable. Weirdly, Su had kept her distance and hadn't made much effort to talk to her sister. Stepping off the boat they were greeted by Ikki, Jinora, Kya and Pema.
"Hi everyone!" Jinora said, offering her hand to Su who was stepping off the boat. Lin looked at her sister, something was going on she needed to ask her about it later.
"Lin!" Kya said happily as she came up to Lin. Lin offered Kya her hand, but was pleasantly surprised when Kya went for a hug instead.
"It's good to see you," Lin said in Kya's ear during the embrace.
"And you. I see your scars still haven't healed." Kya teased.
"Well that's the whole gig with scars. Like a tattoo they just don't go away." Kya smiled, rubbing her fingers over them.
"It would be weird, you without your scars I mean. They've really grown on me." Lin blushed, flattered by the sentiment.
"You're welcome," Su whispered in her ear playfully as she passed.
"Kya!" Korra said when they had finished talking.
"Hi Korra! Asami," Kya said, embracing the two of them at once. Lin waited for the hello's to be over as she faded into a stroll alongside Kya.
"You look tired Lin," Kya said, breaking the silence.
"Well you know, it is what it is."
"Is it? Or is one of your problems that you actively suffer through until someone finally pushes you to deal with it."
"I didn't realize that was something I did."
"All. The. Time. Now come on, we're falling behind." Kya picked up the paste, and when her hand accidentally touched Lin's as she passed Lin was greatful she couldn't see her blush. Lin caught up to Su, who seemed to be distracted by her thoughts.
"Su?" Lin asked.
"What? Oh, Lin. Hi."
"Su Yin I actively ignored you for years," oh I see what Kya meant, "and even then you had more to say to me then Hi. What's bothering you." Su smiled, nudging Lin with her elbow.
"Look at you, being all big sister Lin."
"Yes, now stop procrastinating." Su went silent before sighing and taking her sisters arm.
"It's Bataar. He caught something a couple weeks ago and he's just not getting better. I'm really worried about him Lin. I came here to get Opal, I need her to come home, just in case." Lin looked at her sister in shock, how had Su not mentioned this earlier.
"Su! This is the type of stuff you're supposed to tell me."
"I'm sorry, it's just, I don't know what to do. I don't know how to live without him Lin." Lin stopped and took her sister by the shoulders.
"Su don't think like that. Well think about that if we get to it." Su nodded and wiped a tear from her cheek. "Have you talked to a healer?"
"No, not a bender at least. We don't have many water benders in Zaofu, let alone healers." Lin thought for a moment before replying.
"Pema said Katara would be here, I can ask her tonight."
"Thanks Lin. I love you." Lin glared at her sister, a small smile spreading on Su's face.
"I love you too. Now let's go." Su laughed as she followed her sister up the steps.

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