The Box

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"This is where the Chief lives?" Asami asked as Korra put the key into the lock.

"I guess, maybe she moves once a month to keep anonymity or something." Korra replied, pushing the door open. The two of them paused, taking in the room before them. They had expected pristine, but they hadn't expected so much color. In place of grey were blues and green, making the place feel tranquil instead of the prison they had imagined. Korra opened the paper Lin had given them, re reading the instructions.

"Theres no way this is right." Korra said, scratching her head. Asami went up to a photo of the south pole, the lights in the sky over an arctic tundra.

"She likes photography." She remarked  and Korra ran her fingers over a blanket on the sofa.

"This is like... water tribe design."

"Lin likes the culture." Asami said, smiling slightly. Being in Lin's house made the woman seem a little more... human. Asami made her way to the kitchen, Lin's instructions said what they were looking for was in a drawer under the knives. As she was looking around, she hear Korra call from another room.

"Asami!" Asami sighed, following Korra into what seemed to be the master bedroom.

"What?" She asked. Korra held a photo in her hand, mouth gaped. Asami looked over her shoulder, gasping at the image of Lin smiling at the camera, Kya pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Asami she..."

"Oh Ravaa," Asami said, "do you think-"

"Thats Kya's stuff." Asami smiled, kissing Korra on the cheek fondly.

"She was the first one to congratulate us," Korra whispered. "I can't believe I didn't know."

"She's a secretive person."

"I know, but still, I thought I'd at least be able to tell." Asami laughed, the two of them sat on the bed, unable to pry their eyes from the picture.

"Korra, you didn't even know yourself until a year ago."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Korra ran a thumb over the picture, and Asami looked at her thoughtfully.

"You think that'll be us one day?" Asami asked  and Korra finally looked at her.

"I do. I really do." Asami kissed her and they put the photograph down.

"I wonder who else knows," Asami said as they made their way to the kitchen.

"I want to ask around but I don't want to... say something I'm not supposed to."

"Do you think Mako knows?" Asami asked.

"Hard to say, he's with her all day, so maybe? He's not very observant when it comes to these things." Theh chuckled and Asami pulled out the box from the drawer.

"I think this it," the engineer said, looking at the box.

"Wait," Korra said, taking paper from the notepad and a pen.

"What are you doing?" Asami asked.

"Just leaving the Chief a note."

"I see. Korra, think she wanted us to know? Is that why she asked us?" Korra stopped writing, looking to Asami.

"You're right." Korra said, "she just didn't want the conversation." Asami placed her hands on her hips.

"Huh. She put way too much faith in us, what if we didn't figure it out?"

"She knew we'd snoop." Korra put her note on the counter, taking the box.
"Lets get back to Beifong, then to Air temple island, Kya's gotta have more pictures there."

"What about Avatar stuff?" Asami asked skeptically.

"Asami, this is huge. Being the Avatar is going to have to wait, I need to know how long the Chief and and Kya have been smashing." Asami rolled her eyes, following Korra out.

"You better not say that to her, she'll throw you in jail."

"Hah, I know better," Korra grinned, looking back before locking the door.

Dear Chief,

Got your message loud and clear: you and Kya are "friends". Secrets safe with us, Chief.

Lin put down the note, Kya standing behind her looking over her shoulder.

"Clearly, they didn't open the box." Lin remarked.

"Why? What was in the box?" Kya asked, sipping from her 'property of Lin Beifong' mug she had made herself (much against Lin's advisement). Lin took off her glass, reaching into her pocket, pulling out the handcrafted metal box she had the two of them deliver to the precinct earlier that afternoon.  Kya watched as Lin opened the box, revealing the silver betrothal necklace. Kya gasped, and Lin turned to her. The older woman took off her glass, looking to Lin then the necklace.

"Lin are you-"

"Asking you to marry me, yeah." Kya smiled, pulling her wife to be into a kiss.

"Why go through all this?" Kya asked when they pulled away, taking the box into her own hands.

"I wanted to know what they thought of it."

"And they didn't open it?"

"Guess not. Got distracted by the picture in the bedroom."

"Huh, guess you over estimated Korra's nosy-ness."

"Next time I'll ask Bolin." Kya laughed. Lin helped Kya put it on, and they took a new picture, putting the other one on the coffee table, where everyone could see it.

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