Signs Pt 2

903 46 18

You have asked I have delivered

Kya wiped away at her tears, her brothers watching as she saddled Bumi's Bison.

"Kya, maybe you should think about this." Bumi said, taking her shoulder. She brushed him off, picking up a bag.

"No. I know what I'm doing."

"Kya, Lin can be difficult maybe I can-"

"Stop." She told them. "I know what's happening, okay. Lin made it very clear she has other priorities. I can't stay here, watching her get beat up time and time again, ignoring everything I tell her."

"Is leaving the right decision, sis?" Bumi asked, "you're just proving Lin right." At this Kya froze, looking back.

"What do you mean?" Bumi looked to Tenzin who nodded in approval and Kya crossed her arms.

"Kya, before you and Lin got serious," Tenzin started, "she came to me. Asked me if you were still 'flighty' I told her no but..."

"But what?"

"I don't think she really believed me." Kya bit down on her jaw. Could this be just one big mess of miscommunication? Maybe Lin did want her around and Kya jumped the gun and- no. No! Kya told her. She told Lin, time and time again how she felt. Everytime Lin came home with a new bruise, Kya patched it up. And then she told Lin to stay home, to not go back there. She had a life with Kya, one she sidelined for her life at the precinct.

"I can't be second best to her." Kya said flatly. "I think I deserve at least that." She got on the Bison- kuzu- and took the reins in her hand.

"Kya, it's the middle of the night are you sure you can't wait?" Bumi asked, stroking his friends fur.

"No. I have to go now. Or... or I won't go." She reiterated. Shd felt like sje was convincing herself at this point. What would she say when she got to the south pole? Hey mom just another bad break up, what's new with you? Was this even a break up? Neither of them had specified what was going on. What if Lin thought this was just a fight and that Kya would come back? Her eyes shot up at the sound of a whip cracking and a silhouette slid down the roof of the temple, landing on two feet on the pavement.

"Lin!" Tenzin exclaimed. Lin looked tired, her eyes were dark, hair was messy and she was sniffling. Most importantly, though, her hand was wrapped in a thick white bandage.

"Kya wait." She said. She came up to the Bison, a little out of breath from sprinting across the city.

"How did you get across the bay?"

"I slung shot myself with- nevermind. Kya, I'm sorry. I know I've been absent and I've been just awful and I...." she stopped to breathe. Kya relaxed the reins in her fingers and turned to the Beifong who was leaning against the Bison.

"I'm sorry, Kya. I got so caught up with the idea of you leaving I just... I pushed you away. And when you told me you were leaving I didn't know what to do. It was like being stuck in a nightmare and you can only say one thing and.... I'm rambling. Kya. If you still want to go to the south pole, I'm coming with you."

"What?" She asked, dropping the reins completely.

"Yeah, I'm coming with you. I'm not willing to give up on this, on us. I realized that Republic City isn't my home anymore. You are." Kya smiled, sliding off the beast and landing right infromt of Lin. The younger woman was leaning over her, Kya's change in position putting them in an awkward stance. Putting them so close and suddenly Kya remembered why she had to leave. Because Lin was so enticing and she couldn't bare to be apart from her. Not when being close to Lin felt like this...

"And if I say no?" Kya spoke, biting her lip.

"Then I'll be homeless. So I guess I might as well travel the world. Maybe I'll start with the south pole." Kya grinned, and Lin broke into a relived lopsided smile.

"I love you." Kya said, pulling her into a kiss. Lin hooked an arm around her waist and held them in a kiss. For a moment sje forgot about everything the fight, her bloodied hand, all of it. It was like nothing changed, no, it was better. Lin tried to pull back for a breath but Kya held her there, and Lin decided she didn't MI suffocating a little if it meant she could kiss Kya forever. When they finally split apart Kya took Lin's damaged hand in her own, clicking her teeth.

"How'd you get this?" Kya asked, unwrapping the shoddy bandaging.

"I um... fell."

"You fell?"

"Into broken glass." Kya raised an eye brow before shaking her head.

"I don't want to know more. Let's go home." She said.

"About that, there's a pile of broken glass, mixed with some blood and whiskey. We can just leave it for the night, I'll get it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Kya asked as they walked.


"You don't work?"



"Last shift is on Thursday." Kya didn't reply but Lin caught a glimpse of her creeping grin, and that was all she needed to know that she made the right choice.

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