The City Part 4

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Alright this is the series finale, its been good and you guys and your inspiring comments are the highlight of my day. Also its come to my attention I've been spelling thigh wrong THE ENTIRE TIME. Please don't be afraid to me about my stupid mistakes like that it spares me future embarrassment. 😂 anyway, thanks for sticking around, enjoy the finale...

Kya sighed with content at the rhythmic rise and fall of Lin's chest. She laid entangled with the metalbender, she looked up to Lin's jaw which was set firmly in place. Lin hadn't stirred yet, and Kya didn't plan on waking her, so she laid there as long as she had too. She brushed her hand gently through Lin's hair, her mind reminding her of last night, her blush giving away her thoughts. She kissed Lin softly on the head, and she could've sworn a faint smile appeared on her slumbering face. Light streamed in from the window, and the room was cool, which Kya preferred. There was a peace to it that she hadn't felt in a long time she didn't even bother looking at the clock she didn't care what time it was. She snuggled into Lin even more, resting her head on Lin's breast. She closed her eyes, she didn't expect to fall back asleep, but she wasn't against the idea. Before she could drift off, she was startled by the motion of Lin sitting up. Being cast aside Kya sat up, worried.

"Lin what is it?"

"Someone's coming." As if on cue the sound of the front door being forced opened came from the living room. Kya screamed slightly, stopping when Lin put a hand on her leg. Lin grabbed the green bathrobe next to the bed, warily putting it on. Kya held the sheets to her chest, her heart racing as she did. Before Lin could stand up the bedroom door opened and Suyin stood there, a sock in her hand, her face red with anger. Kya saw Lin flinch, and she stifled a squeal of her own.

"Su!" Lin yelled, tying the robe closed. "What the fuck?"

"Wheres Kuvira?"

"Shes in her room. God Su its like six in the morning!!" Lin rubbed her eyes and suddenly Kya was filled with an anger of her own. It was only 6am? She hadn't seen six in the morning since... well she couldn't remember.

"A sock Lin? Really?" Lin snatched it away from her sister tossing it to the bed, somehow Kya unexpectedly caught it.

"Its a joke, Kuvira came up with it."

"Shes two rooms over Lin, have some decency." Lin stood right up against her sister, looking slightly down at Suyin.

"Don't lecture me about deceny." She growled, and Kya raised her eyebrows at the intensity of her words. Suyin pursed her lips, but backed down. Before anything else was said a pair of scissors was lodged lazily into the door frame.

"Intrud-oh." Kuvira stopped the assault when she saw Suyin standing there, her eyes alit with rage.

"Kuvira..." Su said, her voice quaking with rage. Kuvira gulped, and Kya thought for a second there that the girl was going to throw up. "Where have you been?"

"Busy?" Kuvira replied weakly. Su narrowed her eyes and Kya pulled the sheets tighter to her chest. Leave it to the Beifongs to have an argument while she sat naked on Lin's bed. Kuvira gulped again, except it wasn't a gulp. Before Kya could say anything, the girl ran for the master bathroom, dipping her head into the toilet and succumbing to a fit of vomiting. Su glared at Lin, who just watched Kuvira with an unimpressed expression.

"Is there anyway we could take this to the living room?" Kya suggested from her location on the bed. Su huffed, but she nodded. Lin offered Kya a small smile that read im sorry but right now, Kya wasn't ready to hear it. She gave Lin a look that told her to try again after she was dressed and had a cup of coffee.

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