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More was wanted with the three of them so I took it upon myself to write a prequel to introduce them I guess? Anyway, enjoy.

"It's just for a couple days." Kya said, kissing Lin on the cheek.

"Yeah but a couple days turns into a couple weeks then a couple months with you."

"Lin, that was one time." Kya emphasized. "Besides, I thought you like 'zumi?"

"I do." Lin blushed, "just your history makes me uncomfortable." Kya smiled, wrapping her fingers in Lin's and squeezing her hand.

"Lin, that was a long time ago. And besides, it's not like we were serious. It was a summer fling." Lin pursed her lips and nodded.

"Okay." She agreed. They finished preparing the apartment, Izumi was brining Iroh and they needed to make sure he wouldn't get into anything they wouldn't want him to find. Lin put the last of the R-rated movers on the highest shelf when the doorbell rang and Kya skipped over to it.

"Zumi!!!" She cheered embracing the woman at the door. Lin stood next to Kya, waiting her turn for Izumi's embrace.

"Lin," Izumi said, looking her up and down, "look at you! I feel like it's been so long since we've seen each other." Lin blushed, nodding her agreement.

"You too," she stammered, "I mean you look great also." Kya raised an eyebrow and Lin tried not to cringe herself into oblivion. They let Izumi in, holding the door for her and Iroh who followed with shy look on his face.

"Hey Iroh." Kya greeted with a grin.  He blinked at her and Izumi put a hand on his shoulder.

"Dont be rude son. That's Kya and Lin."

"Hi." He said.

"Lin don't look so threatening." Kya said, nudging her. Lin knelt down to face Iroh who looked at her quizzically before reaching his hand out to her face. She paused, taken aback when his small plams touched at her scars.

"Mom," he said, "they're like grandpa's." Izumi look backed, dropping her jaw and running to Iroh, pulling him away.

"I'm so sorry Lin." She apologized, "Iroh that was rude."

"Its not a big deal," Lin interrupted. Izumi paused, looking to Kya who nodded reassuringly.
"I mean, I've come to terms with it." Lin said. "They are like your grandfather's," Lin directed her attention to Iroh, "I'll tell you all about it later." Iroh smiled, picking up his dufflebag and running off to the guest room.

"He's cute." Lin said. Izumi raised an eyebrow, smiling.

"Lin Beifong likes kids," she said, "who would've thought?" Lin looked to Kya who had a devious grin.

"I might've had something to do with that." Kya replied.


"You sure he'll be good without you for the night?" Kya asked as they sat down.

"He'll be fine. He'll have Tenzin airbending all night." Izumi replied. Lin smiled, taking the bottle of wine and offering it to her wife and guest. She took a seat next to Kya who offered her a smile and stretched her legs across Lin's lap.

"So," Kya started, "I have to ask Zumi, how are things with-"

"Nonexistent." Izumi replied bluntly.  "He wasn't willing to sacrifice his career for his son."

"I'm sorry," Kya said.

"No, it's fine. I mean I can't say I'm not hurt but... I've gotten over it. Gives me time to really figure out what I want." Izumi replied.

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWWhere stories live. Discover now