Beach Volleyball

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"Ikki, Meelo, we're leaving!" Tenzin's voice boomed in the air. Kya caught up to the group and took Ikki by the hand.
"Stick with me darling," she told her.
"Is everyone here?" Pema asked, surveying the crowd.
"Yep!" A various amount of people replied.
"Lin's not here yet," Kya said.
"Well she's missed her chance," Tenzin retorted.
"Tenzin don't be mean, you practically suggested she come along to unwind." Kya said in Lin's defense.
"Me? Hah! It was Mako who was complaining about her constant attitude!" Tenzin yelled, pointing to Mako. Mako ducked behind his brother in attempt to leave the conversation.
"Fine, then you go. I'll wait here for Lin." Tenzin looked like he was about to argue, but he decided against it and nodded.
"Fine. You know where to find us." 
"This is why we haven't told you.." Kya muttered under her breath while Tenzin lead the crew to the dock. Kya watched them leave and she sat on the steps outside the temple.
"Lin where are you?" She asked herself, as the sun made its way across the sky.
"Sorry I'm late," Kya looked up to see Lin, in a black tank top with baggy shorts.
"Lin!" Kya smiled and jumped up to hug her. They gripped each other by the elbows and Kya smiled great fully.
"I got held up, I'm sorry I know it was rude. I'm trying to do better I swear." Lin said, looking away from Kya. Kya put her hand under Lin's chin and lifted her face and pulled her into a kiss.
"That's all that matters. Now come on, we don't want to miss the fun." Kya took Lin by the hand and brought her to the edge of the water. A small sailboat was parked on the shore and Kya used her water bending to get them across to the Republic City beach, where Tenzin and the rest of the crowd was waiting for them.

Lin watched as Kya's hair blew behind her as the boat rocketed forward. Kya had such a beautiful smile on her face, Lin couldn't stop herself from smiling just a little. She could see the gathered air bending family on the shore, the bright orange attire unmistakable. Bolin was in the water with Opal. She splashed him lightly, and from what Lin could tell, Bolin was not as generous with the splashing. They parked the boat off to the side, so they didn't inconvenience other swimmers.
"Lin! You made it!" Pema smiled.
"I was a bit tardy, but I made an effort." Lin explained. Kya gave Tenzin a furious look, turning the airbenders face red.
"Hey chief!" Korra said, walking up to her with her entourage Asami and Mako close behind.
"Korra! It's good to see you."
"Wow chief, you look great," Mako said awkwardly.
"Thanks kid. Now get out of my sight and go swim." Mako stood up straight, saluted and went for the water. Kya laughed and rubbed her hand on Lin's arm before realizing what she was doing and removed it.
"Anyone down for some beach volleyball?" Kya asked.
"Me!" Meelo responded, followed by Ikki. "Wait, how do you play that?" Meelo followed up.
"Why don't Kya, Asami, Lin and I play a game to show you first," Korra said.
"Okay, " Meelo agreed," but I get to keep score."
"Absolutely," Asami said, leading the boy to the net.
"You up for a game?" Kya asked Lin.
"Heh, I was born for this game, just you wait." Before Kya could reply, Lin reached for the bottom of her shirt and pulled it off, revealing a wrap around bikini, and a solid set of abs. Kya felt her jaw drop for a moment as she admired them, hopefully out of sight. She shouldn't have been so surprised, Lin worked out everyday and was always fit even when they were younger. But to see them now... it took all of her self control not to reach out and rub them with her nails. Just like that Lin ran off to the net, Asami and Korra already to go. Kya unfurled her tunic and dropped it in the sand. She smiled as she noticed not only Lin, but Korra's eyes on her revealed abdomen. She didn't have abs like Lin, but she was fit. Perhaps the most surprising thing was the exposed bellybutton ring and tattoo she had never told anyone about.  Korra did a cat call whistle to Kya and she blushed.
"Korra!" She said, being less stern then flattered.
"She looks good, right Lin?" Korra asked, smiling. Kya gave her a look that demanded she stopped talking and Lin gave Korra a confused look.
"Yeah, of course." Lin's response only slightly hurt, she knew she was toning it down in front of the family, since they didn't technically know yet, but Kya thought she deserved more than that. Korra took the front and Asami the back, Kya went in front of Lin- to her dismay she wouldn't have minded having the time to look at Lin just a little longer. Asami did the first serve and the game was on. Kya leaped to the front of the net and set it back, only for Korra to spike it across.
"Ha!" Korra cheered, high-fiving Asami. Asami prepared the next serve and Kya leaped for it, but she missed. She forgot that she had a teammate however, because she saw the ball fly the opposite direction over the net second later. Asami moves to bump it back, but it fell short, and Korra's attempt at a save failed.
"Ha!" Lin cheered, mockingly. Kya turned around, and went for a hug but Lin gripped her hand and turned it into a platonic shake. Kya gave a slight frown and Lin turned away.

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