The Games Part 2

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"Kya? What's wrong with you?" Tenzin asked as soon as Lin stepped inside the house, practically carrying the waterbender.

"Nothing I'm fine Tenzin just the heat you know how it is," Kya replied nervously.

"I knew you were pushing yourself. Mom said for you to take another week but you ignored her."

"Tenzin I'm fine." Kya reiterated, focusing on Lin's side boob as the metalbender placed her on the sofa.

"Well just rest for an hour at least, you need to be in tip top shape if this is to continue tomorrow."

"Yes dad..." Kya mumbled, denying it when Tenzin shot her a look.

"Shall I fetch Pema? She can keep you company," Tenzin offered.

"I got this airhead," Lin replied and Tenzin bowed before leaving.

"I feel like such royalty," Kya said sarcastically as Lin handed her a glass of water. Kya places her mouth over the straw, closing her eyes as she drank, pretending it was something else. To her surprise, Lin lifted Kya's legs and sat down, placing them on top of her own. Kya just stared, wide eyed as the metalbender relaxed her head on the back of the couch, flashing collarbone. Kya choked on her water, sputtering and having it drip from her mouth.

"You good?" Lin asked, opening a single eye.

"Yep... I'm fine, just un, drank to fast." She wiped her chin and made a mental to note to punch a wall with her face when Lin left.

"That ball and chain was... tough. I do a lot of heavy lifting but I haven't done that in years."

"You still got it," Kya added, wishing she was in a position where she could get closer.

"Yeah well I think that might have been the last of that I'll ever do," Lin chuckled, reaching for the back of her neck. She's nervous. Kya forced her mouth to remain neutral as she shifted her legs, tucking them under her and moving to her knees. Lin watched as she did so, and Kya pulled her hands to the metalbenders shoulder.

"Do you mind?" Kya asked, and Lin shook her head. Kya bent the remaining water from her glass and lifted it to Lin's back and shoulders, using the liquid to ease the pain, and any pain she would have tomorrow. "Feel any better?" Kya asked.

"A lot actually. But save it, you're supposed to be drinking that water."

"It'll taste better now..." Kya said, to herself.

"Hmm?" Lin asked.

"Oh nothing I just said I'll bend some new stuff over." Kya blushed as Lin stared at her. The two made eye contact, staring at each other and Kya's eyes strayed from Lin's eyes to her lips. She admired Lin's jawline, the scars that traced it. She looked at the metalbenders ears, imagining what it would be like to kiss behind them. "Mhhh, sorry." Kya said, saying away, her blush intensifying.

"Oh um. Yeah." Lin replied, just as awkwardly.

"I'm just... I'm going to go for a cool shower," Carr to join me? Kya said, standing up, adding the last part in her head.

"Oh, sure. I'll see you after?"

"Absolutely, and don't dare try to escape the medal ceremony it is absolutely happening." Kya smirk and Lin scoffed, replying,

"I wouldn't dream of it." Kya walked backwards, keeping her eyes on Lin as she made her way up the stairs, until she could no longer be seen. She didn't know what that was, but it was something. Wasn't it?

Lin pried herself from the couch, fixing the cushions best she could.

"Tenzin said I'd find you in here," Lin turned to see her sister standing at the back sliding door.

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