That's Rough

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Guys I got an idea to add to my high-school AU that I just did, so yeah this is it.

One year later.

  A small moan escaped Kya's mouth as Lin nipped at her neck. She felt her stomach ricochet in itself at her girlfriend's touch.  Lin had a grin on her face as she marked Kya's collarbone with her lips. Kya's hands found Lin's waist and she pulled at the base of her shirt, sliding her hands onto the toned stomach underneath.  Lin paused to look at her, the younger girls way of asking to continue. Kya nodded and Lin's hand slipped to the tie on Kya's bottoms, pulling the bowstring with one finger at an achingly slow pace. Kya took a deep inhale, preparing herself. Lin had gotten good in the past year, and she knew it. Lin brought her lips to the base of Kya's stomach and Kya placed her hands in the younger girls hair in anticipation.

"So this is the- oh my god!" Lin shot up, rolling off of Kya and the waterbender covered herself with a pillow.

"Mom!" Kya shouted. A girl, a few years younger than herself, stood behind her mother, eyes wide and holding back a laugh.

Lin got up off the floor, brushing herself off and clearing her throat.

"Hey Katara." She said weakly with a blush.

"Kya what are you-" her mother stopped, looking at the girl behind her.
"Pema why don't you go back to the main temple, Tenzin will show you around the stables. The girl-Pema nodded and ran off. Katara's smile turned to a deadly scorn as she stared at the two off them.

"Kya." She said flatly. Kya blushed, clearing her throat.

"I can explain-"

"Is this you're meet up spot? The girls dormitories? Really?"

"To be fair there's not usually anyone here."

"Usually Kya, is not definite. Pema's first impression of this place is of Lin on top of you in the common room." Lin blushed at the mention of her name. She looked like she wanted to say something  but thought against it.

"We're sorry." Kya said and Katara just scoffed.

"You have a perfectly good bedroom, Kya. No excuse."

"I know but we have a rule-"

"I don't want to hear it." Kya frowned. Lin looked like she was about to bolt, and Kya had a creeping sensation that it'd be awhile before she would come over again.  Kya looked around the room, waiting for her mother to say something. Katara had her arms crossed and she scoffed, glaring at them.

"Kya, go back to the temple, there's a stack of laundry on the couch, fold it. Lin, go home."

"Mom-" kya started to stand up but Lin stopped her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay. I'll see you tomorrow." The metalbender said. She ducked past Katara, making a sprint for the ferry. Kya pursed her lips, getting up and meeting her mother at the door.

"Laundry for a week, and no going to Lin's, either."

"Mom please."

"Want to make it two?" Kya shook her head, walking past her mother reluctantly.
There goes Saturdays plans.


Lin opened the door to their apartment, making a bee-line for her bedroom in attempt to avoid questions.

"You're home early." Her mother spoke from the couch. Lin sighed, stopping in her tracks.

"Something came up." Lin replied.

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