Pirate AU Part 7

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Pink Skies
Chapter 7: Heir to the Throne

Kya tilted her head back, sinking into the warm water. She had almost forgotten what water free of salt felt like on the skin. She dipped her hair in, running her fingers through it to rid it of the knots. She used soap to wash her legs and under her nails. A small pair of scissors sat on a small table next to the tub and she used them to trim the shorter hairs on her body. She laid with her eyes closed, taking in the silence. The ship was always busy, someone was always awake, or drunk, or manning the sails. It felt nice to be alone.

She was lost in thought when Lin came in, she didn't even notice until her girlfriend was standing in front of her.

"Enjoying yourself?" Lin asked, a smug grin on her face. She had her top two buttons undone and Kya narrowed her eyes.

"I would be if you'd join me."

"Were you waiting long?" Lin asked, undoing the rest of the buttons.

"Test the temperature of the water and find out." Lin scoffed, dropping her trousers and stepping into the bath. Kya watched, intrigued as ever by her girlfriend's body. Lin sat paralleled to her, her legs were short enough they didn't fully reach Kya, but Kya had to bend her knees a bit.

"How did the knife throwing go?" Kya asked.

"Well, I messed up pretty bad, but her schedule is clear so I'm in."

"Mai is intimidating," Kya said, "I feel like she knows all of my secrets."

"What terrifying me is how similar her and Izumi are."

"Yeah, bit something tells me the Captain is a little more touchy-feely than her mom." Kya pointed out.

"Mmm, a trait from her dad." Lin agreed.

"Speaking of, he asked me if I knew anyone named Aang today." She said.

"Do you?"

"It sounds familiar, but... I don't know. No face comes to mind."

"Maybe you look like them," Lin offered.

"Maybe." Kya bit her cheek, trying to think of everyone she had ever met.

"Hey," Lin said, reaching out to her, "don't worry about it. If this Aang is someone important, they'll find their way to you." Kya smiled, greatful for the comfort.

"You're right." She raised her hands from the water, noticing they had started the process of shriveling.
"My cue to get out," she said, folding her legs and pushing herself up.

"Stay in if you want." Lin shook her head, getting out the same way Kya did.

"And waste my opportunity to see more you?" Lin asked rhetorically. Kya turned her head, feeling Lin press her body weight against her. Lin's mouth found her ear, and her hands her breasts. Kya suppressed a moan, not willing to alert her hosts.

Lin had her hand on Kya's hip, using it to guide her to the bed, promptly pushing her onto it. Kya laid on her back, looking up at Lin who stood above her.

"I love you," Kya whispered.

"Me too," Lin replied, sinking her lips into the curve of Kya's collar bone. Kya slid her hands to Lin's waist, pulling the weight of the shorter girl onto her. Lin moved with Kya's guidance, pressing her core region against Kya's. They kissed slowly at first, but like most of the time they picked up the pace, and so did the rest of Lin's movements. Her hips swayed against Kya's grinding against her abdomen. She took the liberty of sucking Kya's nipple, lightly stimulating the other one.

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