Origins: Part 3

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                      25 years later

                      Republic City
                     At the wedding

Lin stood at one of the back tables, trying to look like she was bored. Weddings, parties, they weren't her thing.

Hell, nothing was her thing anymore.

Even saving the day had gotten exhausting. She was half wanting to pull a Toph and leave it to the kids.

She sighed, looking over to a dock where Korra talked with Tenzin. She couldn't help but smile for the girl. Lin knew something or other about pain, and seeing someone pull through it better than she did instilled her with hope.

"You smiling over here, Lin?" Kya asked, walking up and joining her table.

"No, I just needed a break from frowning." Lin replied. Kya pursed her lips, raising an eyebrow.

"Lighten up, Chief, the stars are out, people are having fun." Kya said, waving her sore arm. Lin winced, she wished Kya would go easy on it.

"Weddings aren't my forte." Lin explained, sipping her champaign.

"Well it looks like we've got something in common." Kya said, grinning. Lin watched the waterbender shuffle her feet, and she remembered that she was still recovering from a leg injury as well.

"For spirits sake, Kya," Lin said, "start bringing your crutches until you can stand."

"I'm fine I'm just- oh." Lin raised a stone chair and Kya fell into it. "Well if you're offering." She finished. Lin didn't reply, staring blankly towards the dock. Kya followed her eyes, watching Korra and Asami taking each other's hand. They exchanged an embrace and stood there, looking into each other's eyes for a moment. She willed them to kiss, but they didn't, instead Korra parted the waves, and took Asami across the river. She returned her gaze to Lin, who had a set jaw and stared at her glass, likely hoping it would refill on its own.

"They're cute, aren't they?" Kya asked. Lin hummed in reply, and Kya placed a hand on the table.
"Lin," she spoke softly. The same tone she had used, twenty-five years ago on the rocks. It worked last time, why wouldn't it work now?
"How long are you going to keep pretending?" Lin didn't reply, instead she bit her lip.
"I know why you don't like weddings. I understand it. But you have to let go."

Lin lifted her glass to drink, forgetting it was empty.

"I can't." She rasped.


Lin blinked her eyes open. Her vision was blurry and her head throbbed. Pain, must mean she's alive.

"Lin? Lin? Can you hear me?" She tried to focus her eyesight, making out the shape of Kya's messy hair.

"What..." was all she managed.

"Dont talk, you have a mild concussion. Just don't go back to sleep, or I'll slap you awake myself." She did as she was told, she couldn't tell what Kya was doing, but as time passed the pain in her side seemed to fade.

Her vision started to come back, and she tried sitting up, wincing when her arm touched the ground.

"Don't do that," Kya said, pushing her back down.

"Your arm is broken."Kya explained. Lin grumbled, laying back down. She was in the apartment, whatever the status of ownership was now.

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang