Suyin Part 2

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   It wasn't until wandering onto the shores of Kyoshi island the severity of her circumstances hit her. She ultimately decided to stop here because well, it was Kyoshi island. The island of legend, she remembered the stories Sokka would tell her and Lin, and the rest of the kids when they were younger, how he just knew Suki was the one. He intentionally left out the part about Suki kicking his ass, but Katara was always sure to correct him. She wasn't sure what to do with the boxes, so she earth bended a  hut around them, hopefully there were no nosy earth benders around. She sighed and slung a singular bag over shoulder, allowing herself to relax a little as she made way for the town. The town looked nothing as it had been described by Sokka, the once small village was blossoming. It reminded her vaguely of Republic City, of course it wasn't nearly as modernized or nearly the size, but it was buzzing with life. She smiled at the sight of children ducking into the alleyways, entrances by their games of hide and seek. One thing she did recognize from the stories was the magnificent statue of Avatar Kyoshi, who even after all this time was still one of the most looked upon Avatar's. She bowed before the statue, she wasn't totally sure why but it felt right in the moment. When she was done she made way for the crowded streets in search of an Inn or a B and B where she could rest for a while. She was surprised at how many citizens greeted her, either with kind words or smiles, but no one knew her name. And for once, it was nice. She wasn't Suyin Beifong here, Toph's delinquent daughter, rejected by her sister, she was just Suyin. And that was enough for her. She made her way into a cozy looking cafe, the large sign outside reading today's special: Kyoshi Warrior Pomegranate Pie. She chuckled, it was very Kyoshi island to slam Kyoshi Warrior in the name to boost sales. When she stepped inside she was surprised to find it rather quiet, compared to outside.

"Afternoon traveller," a man behind the counter greeted with a wave.

"Afternoon," she replied, dipping in a curtsy. She took a seat next to a window, overlooking the bay. She pulled out her map, it was certainly outdated, but it got her this far.

"Anything in specific you'd like?" The man asked.

"I'll take a tea... Jade please." Jade. The word had slipped from her tongue as if it wasn't a habit she had worked so hard to forget. The man smiled and shortly he was by, placing down  the cup on a saucer and pouring from the kettle. She nodded a thanks and slipped him a couple Yen. She was looking at her map, deciding where she would go next, she would love to see the fire nation. It had been years since she'd been there, she could barely remember it. Zuko would see her, surely? She wasn't entirely sure of the extent to which her mother shared what happened, something must've been said, how else would they explain the scars Su has so carelessly left on her sister. It was an accident. It seemed so long ago, she was almost eighteen, a few more months. And she hadn't yet decided if her family would celebrate it with her.

"Tonight, ladies, we party!" A loud voice filled the room and Suyin was pulled out of her thoughts. She looked up, confusion on her face as she looked at the carrier of the words. The long brown hair, tan skin, and the bright blue eyes unmistakable.

"Kya?!" She asked from the corner of the room. The waterbender turned to look at her, her eyes bright with excitement.

"Holy elephant Koi, Suyin is that you?"

"It is!" Su replied, Kya left her group and sat across from Suyin, taking the younger girls hands in hers.

"Where- first of all, what are you doing here?"

"I just got here today, I came in on a pirate ship-"

"A What?"

"A pirate ship I was kind of a pirate for the last year and a half..." Kya smiled and wrapped Su in a hug.

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