Lin Goes to the Dentist

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So I was watching iCarly the other day because I wanted to and I got some inspiration.

"I'm sorry Miss Beifong, we can't go through with the procedure until you have confirmed with us you have a ride home." Lin sighed, tapping her foot in the floor.

"If I get one can I do it today?"

"We can have you in in five minutes." Lin snorted, making her way to the pay phone and waiting for the ring.

"Hello, Republic City Hospital what can I do for you?"

"Is Kya there?"

"I'm sorry who is-"

"Is Kya there?"

"Shes on break."

"Good, get her for me." There was some bustling and Lin smiled at the receptionist, holding up a finger to let her know it wouldn't be too much longer.



"Who is this?"

"Its Lin."

"Oh, Lin why didn't you say so. You know I would've answered much faster if I had known."

"Yeah well, short on time. I need your help."


"I need you to," she paused, "I need someone to pick me up from the Dentist, I'm having a root canal taken out and-"

"They have to put you under. I'll be there in 10."

"Thanks, Kya."

"See you soon." Lin hung up the phone and the receptionist tilted her glasses at her.

"Kya, water tribe woman, long white hair will be here."

"Works for me, you can go in now."

"Shes right in here, miss." The Dentist said, guiding Kya to a separate room.

"Shes good to go?"

"Give her a few minutes to wake up, she was under longer than usual."

"Yeah her tolerance isn't very high, thank you." The dentist smiled as Kya entered the room, cautiously making her way to the chair where Lin appeared to be asleep. She sat on the foot of the chair, pushing equipment out of the way.

"Lin." She said softly. "You can go home now." She prodded the younger woman, frowning.
"Lin." She said just a bit louder.


"Ah!" Kya recoiled as Lin sat up, laughing.

"Got you!" Lin laughed. Her words were jumbled by the gauze and numbing in her mouth.

"Very funny. Let's get you home. " she stood up, offering the metalbender her hand. Lin took it, toppling them both onto the floor.

"Okay, Lin, you need to get off me." Lin mumbled something, rolling off Kya onto her back and staring at the ceiling.

"Its so sunny today."

"Thats a roof."

"A sunny roof." Kya pushed down a laugh, pushing herself back onto her feet.

"Come on," she grunted as she pulled Lin off her feet. They managed to make their way to the satomobile where Lin insisted on driving, to which Kya pushed her into the back seat, using two of the buckles to restrain her.

"You're pretty heavy," she panted once they were on the road, "did you have to wear armor to the dentist?"

"So many knives, they could stab me at any moment." Lin replied groggily.

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora