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California: Step 1, be straight

Arizona: *walks by*

California: Well, I failed step 1


Louisiana: Why does Florida have a Disneyworld hat with Mickey ears on?

Mississippi: She's having an emotional roller coaster and doesn't want anyone to see her hair

Florida: *crying in the corner*

Mississippi: She'll be fine


NY: So I have a science headcanon

Pennsylvania: Can't you say hypothesis like a normal person?


NY: So my science hypothesis is...


Illinois: I only became Iowa's friend when Missouri died


Illinois: *wiping a tear* I can still hear his voice


NM: Sometimes Arizona talks in her sleep and it's cute

Arizona: *sleeping* Fight me motherfucker, square up...  I think the fuck not


Connecticut: You were very naughty!

Noir: *meows*

Connecticut: Okay, but next time there will be consequences

Noir: *meows*

Connecticut: You're probably right


Idaho: *walking to Montana's room* Did you study for your finals?

Montana: I stayed up til 2 am looking at memes with Wyoming, does that count?

Idaho: Doesn't Wyoming have finals too?

Wyoming: *half asleep* Maybe


Hawaii: QUICK! THE FLOOR IS LAVA! *climbing on top of the fridge*

Oregon: What? There aren't any volcanoes nearby

Alaska: *faceplants on the ground* Ah, the sweet release of death

Hawaii: Damn it you two, can't we have one nice thing?!


ND: Come on you guys, I was not that drunk last night!

Minnesota: You called a taxi last night

ND: So? I didn't want to drive drunk!

Montana and SD: We were at your house


Rhode: Go to bed, you're tired

Delaware: NO, I'M NOT!


Rhode: Let me rephrase. Go to bed, I'm tired


Colorado: I don't know why you're making such a fuss Utah, they're quite adorable little things

Utah: Colorado, they are flightless birds native to New Zealand. How the frick did they get into the house?

Arizona: They follow me

Utah: Am I the only one concerned with the Lovecraftian like power Ari has over kiwis?

NM: Is it because she named one GoscrewyourselfUtah?

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