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California: *hugging Arizona* Ok, what did I do?

Arizona: Hm? What do you mean?

California: You look like you want to rip my head off

Arizona: That's how my face is


Hawaii: Today's gonna be a great day!

Alaska: Pfft, it's like you don't care what happened in 3rd grade anymore


A.C: I want to be a caterpillar. I now identify as a caterpillar

Idaho: That's great sweetie, but why?

A.C: Eat a lot, sleep for a while and wake up beautiful

Montana: But they have a lifespan of like 2 weeks, you know that right?

A.C: Another perk


Idaho: I'm calling Anrika

A.C: You wouldn't


Charlie: What time is it?

Texas: Dunno, give me that saxophone

Texas: *blows into it*


Texas: It's 1 am


Louisiana: Being 5'5 is hard

Charlie: I know right

A.C: Yeah, being 13 sucked. Not being able to reach anything

Alaska: I've never gone through anything like that

Texas: Same

California: Must suck

Montana: Yeah

Charlie and Louisiana: -_-


Florida: Surgery is just stabbing someone to life

Massachusetts: For the love of medical science, never become a surgeon


Illinois: Describe yourself in one word

NJ: Indescribable


Arkansas: If I were trapped in a room full of explosives and the only way out was to eat cilantro, I would die

Kansas: How would you even get into that situation

Missouri: It's 2020, Kansas. Anything can happen


ND: If there are watermelons, then there should be firemelons, airmelons and earthmelons

NC: The elemelons

Charlie: But it all changed when the firemelons attacked


Pennsylvania: Do you like being my friend?

Delaware: *sarcastically* No

Pennsylvania: *tearing up*

Delaware: ShitshitshitI'msorryPenn,I'mgladyou'remyfriend,pleasedon'tcry


Oregon: What' the worst decision you've made drunk

Florida: I don't need alcohol to make bad decisions


NM: Who are your children Idaho?

Idaho: Well, I have 3 sets of twins and 2 non-twins. Legally, I have a set of twins and Montana

Montana: But you're my bro-

Idaho: Shush child.

A.C: When did you adopt us?

Idaho: Lasterday





Vermont: What the hell Idaho? You can't adopt people when you're sad

Idaho: But look at these two! They're so cute!

A.C: Excuse me, I am not 'cute'. I am dangerous

Charlie: I'm not cute either...

Idaho: Shush my children

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