Interviewing the couples

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I thought of this while trying to get over writer's block I hope you enjoy!

A.C: Welcome to this show I made in about 20 minutes!

Montana: Why are we here?

A.C: Shush. Today we will be interviewing the really cute couples! We have Montana, Rhode Island, Louisiana, and New York!

Louisiana: Can I go?

A.C: No. I just got over my writer's block. I don't want to think of more ideas for this.

New York: *casually eating a hotdog*

A.C: Where did you get that? We don't ha-

Montana: Listen, lady, you do NOT question the magical appearance of food. It's here for a reason, so enjoy its company.

Rhode Island: *climbing on Montana's lap* Yeah!

A.C: Ugh. Let's just get started. The first question is from New Jersey. Rhode Island, how did you confess to this cold, lonely giant?

Montana: HEY!

Rhode Island: Well, I've liked her for about a year. Everyone except her knew about it.

New York: She caught on during that shopping trip.

Rhode Island: It was during the bonfire. Minnesota told me to confess or she would tell her. I freaked out, and sat next to her, as far away from the fire as possible. And I chatted, warmed her up, and told her.

A.C: What did she say?

Rhode Island: Are you stupid? She said yeah.

A.C: Next question from Massachusetts, New York, are you an idiot? Can I help answer this?

New York: No! I am not an idiot!

Massachusetts: Are you sure about that?

Louisiana: Massachusetts, be nice. He's MY idiot.

A.C: Ok? What are your favourite traits about your partner?

Louisiana: Yorkie always is by my side, even during hurricane season! When I drink too many daiquiris, he makes sure I don't murder someone.

New York: I personally love it when Louis starts her passive-aggressive southerner thing. She'll be like 'Bless your heart.', and the person will be confused yet scared.

Rhode: My turn! I love how cuddly Montana will get when we're alone. She is very independent, a little too much. She also has her passive-aggressive sayings too, but she never uses them. Montana prefers to cuss in other languages.

Montana: Can I pass?

A.C: Woooooow. Rude

Montana: It's not like that! There are so many good things about Rhode that I can't choose 2 ore 3!

Rhode Island: Really?

New Jersey: *breaking through the wall* YES! OTP! I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIT!


New Hampshire: *looking in through the hole* Awww, Monty is being all warm and cute!

Montana: I will stab you 37 times in the chest, rip out your heart, and feed you to the hogs.

A.C: Ok... What bad habits does your boy/girlfriend have?

New York: Passive-aggresive southerner thing and drinking wy too many daiquris.

Louisiana: He's a workaholic. Never sleeps. And I drink a lot of daiquiris because I'm friends with Florida. Try having to deal with a chaotic person 24/7.

Montana: Rhode here takes my stuff and hides them in the smallest places. I used to have over 900+ hoodies, now I only have 800.

Rhode Island: Oh god, she cusses too much, she never sleeps, she has a short temper

Montana: Short like you.

Rhode Island: She makes constant short jokes, she never wears anything other than hoodies, flannel jackets, and overalls and a flannel shirt, she never shares her huckleberries, she is self-conscious, and she gets very aggresive.

Montana: Oh, sorry.

Louisiana: Boi. Rhode, if you make her cry, I will not hesitate to kick your short ass.

New York: Aww. Standing up for your sis. So cute.

Louisiana: *blushing* Shut up.

A.C: Next, what is one thing your partner does that makes you laugh?

New York: Argues with me when I eat KFC.


A.C: Ahem.

Louisiana: Sorry. Yorkie does this thing when he's tired he collapses on the ground and wants me to snuggle him.

Rhode: Ehehe, Montana will go to the store and ask for a bag of ice, but she'll mispronounce it and start an argument whether it's bAG or bEg, same with creek and crick.

Montana: It's obviously crick.

Rhode: No, it's a creek. And a bag of ice.

Montana: NO! It's a crick, like Gold Creek, and bag of ice.

A.C: Pfft.

New York: Should we leave?

Louisiana: Nah, this is getting funny.

A.C: Back to our discussion, if your partner turned into a neko, how would you react?

Japan: *suddenly appearing* Konnichiwa A.C-chan. I brought cookies for you!

Montana: Can I have one?

Rhode: I don't trust them.

Louisiana and New York: I'll pass.

Montana: I'm not scared. I'mma take one.

Japan: *evil laughs*


New York: Pfft

Louisiana: Montana, what happened?

Rhode: *is having a bloody nose*

A.C: Ummmmm...

Japan: I gotta go! Sayonara!

Montana: What happened? What's wrong with Rhode?

A.C: *holds up mirror* You might wanna have a look...

Montana: I'mma kill Japan.

Rhode: *cleaning up her nose* I like it.

New York: Aw kitty, kitty.

Louisiana: A neko?

A.C: And that's all the time we have for today! Thank you and-



Louisiana: How much do you bet that'll work?

New York: $5 it won't work.


Montana: Whatchu want bish?

New York: Damn it.

Louisiana: Hehe.

A.C Thank you and good night!

Konnichwa! Japan here! A.C is currently chasing Neko Montana. I expected A.C to take one since she loves chocolate, but then I remembered that A.C- chan hates dark chocolate. Oh well, I got to see another Neko! 

JAPAN! STOP BREAKING MY WALLS! Note to self, get Jersey and Japan to pay for walls. For your 'continuation', Montana was stuck a Neko for about a month until Japan would come out of hiding. Rhode thought it was the most adorable thing ever. Louisiana and York would make fun of her. Actually, all of her siblings did. Who wouldn't? I probably won't update since I've gotta pack. I hope you enjoyed this story. Sayonara!


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