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Smol, angy baby

Has atelophobia or the fear of imperfections and not being good enough

If a sentence doesn't have a cuss of some sort, then why speak?

Close to being a potato child

Smol boi can kick your ass

Not everything is legal in New Jersey

No boops

He is angy at EVERYTHING

Secretly enjoys cuddles

Did I mention he really likes Beyonce?

No, he doesn't do drugs. That was a while ago

Also a musical nerd

Cried during Hamilton, no one talks about that if they value their ankles

Looks like he doesn't care when you insult him, but then he be sad boi


NJ: You keep pointing that gun at me and blabbering about how much you want to kill me. I'm beginning to doubt your commitment


Arkansas: I wish there was a way to block someone in real life

NJ: Murder

Delaware: 🇷 🇪 🇸 🇹 🇷 🇦 🇮 🇳 🇮 🇳 🇬   🇴 🇷 🇩 🇪 🇷 


NY: Hey, looking for the loser convention?

NJ: Yeah, oh look *pointing at NY* I found it


Connecticut: Have you heard the phrase, choose your battles?

NJ: Yeah, I chose them all


D.C: Hey, Jersey, can you take the trash out?

NJ: Sure


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