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You know those cool moms who do dumb shit with people and still are alive? Louis is like that

Frequently called Lafayette or Baguette even though she points at the other Louisiana purchase states or the Treaty of Paris states

Arkansas is still mad at her for the whole cilantro incident

Florida is her partner in crime and best friend

Afraid of cats

Can hold her liquor even though she be smol

Potato child

Smol, scary when mad baby


Louisiana: *seeing someone debating with someone else* Pfft, what idiots

Louisiana: *after realizing that it's NY and Florida* Wait, those are my idiots


Louisiana: Please say words of encouragement so I don't murder Texas

Florida: *snuggling Louis* There's no good books in prison

Louisiana: *calming down* Thank you


Louisiana: *screaming in French*

Florida: Mhm, absolutely

Florida: *calling NY* Come calm your girlfriend down, I don't understand baguette... What do you mean she's my responsibility today? Well, fine, screw you and the asshole you are.


Louisiana: So, I'm polyamourous(?) But Tex says I haven't met the right person, emphasis on person. What do I do?

Missouri: Other than murdering him?

Arkansas: Ask him if he would like to date lamas. Then bombard his phone with pictures of lamas

NM: *prepared to kick Texas's ass* Emphasis on bomb


Oklahoma: What is the height of stupidity?

Louisiana: Well, Alaska's like 6'9, so about 6'2

Oklahoma: Is that how tall Texas is?

Louisiana: Yep, I hope or we'll deal with an angry Cali


Kansas: School doesn't test your intelligence, it tests your memory

Louisiana: It tests my patience

Illinois: It tests my bladder

Louisiana: It also tests my ability to not slap a chienne

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