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A.C: *sobbing* Love is dead and never existed. All you did was betray me while I lay here sick and festering. You are the definition of dread

Idaho: *hugging A.C* My child... what happened?

A.C: Charlie stole my fucking tortillas


Nevada: The real treasure was the memories we made along the way

California: I almost died

Nevada: Ah, my fondest memory


Missouri: I'm something of a chicken magnet

Arkansas: Don't you mean a 'chick magnet'

*distant clucking sounds*

Arkansas: Well shit


Maryland: Ok, I'll take the ones on the right, you take the ones on the left

Delaware: But there's twice as many on the left

Maryland: I know. I can count


Florida: I laugh in the face of danger

Mississippi: You cried for 45 minutes because Hawaii had to leave so Alabama had to go with you to get ice cream

Florida: That was ages ago

Alabama: That was 10 minutes ago


NH: The best way to cope with things is to play dead on the ground

Maine: Really?

NH: No, it just makes me feel better


Georgia: If I die, my funeral is going to be the best party ever and y'all are invited

SC: If

A.C: Great, the only party I've been invited to and she might not die


NM: You can't be a princess if you don't have a tragic backstory

California: Does someone eating your pizza count?

NM: Oh my gosh, how are you not a ruler already?

Arizona: Well, I've lost my sense of purpose. Is that dramatic enough?

California: *hugging Arizona* I'll get your sense of purpose back, sweetie


NM: Seriously dude, how many children do you have?

Idaho: *exhaling* Legally, 3. Biologically, none. Emotionally, 6, but I'll get attached to more children


Nevada: When was babysitting Idaho's kids my-

Nevada: Shit, it was always my job


Officer: Can you describe the person who shot you?

NY: Well, they were a ballsy fucker.


A.C: *grabbing their dagger* My therapist says I have a problem with revenge

A.C: We'll see about that

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