|Chapter 001|

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Chapter 1

Ekon Ross POV

   It was a rainy day. The clouds were dark with heavy rain falling from them. The trees around them looking dull from the lack of sunlight. It was one of those rare days that's rainy, especially since in this region it was almost always sunny and hot. Two days after I meet my mates. I'd have enjoyed this day if it wasn't for the fact that I had two beaten up omegas in my office. Both looking down, and ignoring each other presence. I internally sighed for the ninths time.

"Ok, explain to me what happened to cause you two to fight like that?"

I directed the question to both omegas, but my eyes were on one of the omegas. My mate. Who was cutely glaring at the ground, with a pout on his thick but bruised lip.

"This stupid bitch attacked me!" Janeiro, the other omega said. He was skinny, brunette omega. "hUh!?" I heard Damon said, "You started it, you fucking slut!" Damon was shaking from the anger, I can tell he was resisting the urge to fight Janeiro. "I didn't you bit-""You called me a fat, ugly cow, the fuck do you mean you didn't?!" The urge to just rubbed my face from stress was more than temping but no, I couldn't do that. I have to deal with two omegas that're growling at each other. "ok, so... let me get this right. Janeiro, you called Damon a fat, ugly cow because?" It made me so angry that someone offended their future Luna. My mate. Although, I was glad that my mate defends himself, though I do not agree with him fighting others. "Cause it's the true! Plus, it's not like anyone from this pack likes him, anyways. He's annoying, ugly, stupid, and-" Janeiro didn't get to finish because Damon get to attacked him again. Both falling to the ground, as Damon punch Janeiro in the face, as Janeiro tried to protect his face. "That's enough, both of you!"

I stood up from my chair, and went around the desk to where the two omegas were frozen, in mid fight on the ground. I pulled Damon arm to make him stand, feeling the sparkles spread through my arm. I also grabbed Janeiro's arm, having their arm in my hand and pulled them in front of my desk, "I can see that both of you cannot act civil with each other." I saw both of them looking down, avoiding my stare. "I'll talk to you separately. Damon, go outside and wait. I'll talk to Janeiro first." Janeiro looked at me in shock, before glaring at Damon, who equally glared back, "But Damon hit me firs-" "I'll talk to you when Damon waits for me outside." Damon didn't say anything, as he walked outside to wait. "Now Janeiro," I leg go of his arm as I walked back to sit down at my chair.

Janeiro also sat down at the chair in front of the desk, arm cross, avoiding eye contact. "What happened Janeiro?"  Janeiro, straighten his back, determination on his soft eyes, "Well, I was hanging out with rose and Jully, before Damon walked by and started to insults us for no reason at all! He was so rude and offended us, so I insulted him back and he attacked us! He's just a wild animal, I almost confused him for a roger!" He nodded, as if that story was going to make me believe him. "Really now?" I could see the fear building up in his temper, but he didn't back down from the story. "Ok. Your punishment for causing a fight, insulting another pack member, and lying to me, is a whole month of cleaning the whole pack house, EVERYTHING. Also, you're not allow to go out for two weeks, and you'll be helping in the kitchen for two weeks." I saw his eyes widen, before he panic, "No, Alpha I- That's not fair! It was that fat bitch's fat!" I glared at him, "Don't making me add more punishments, Janeiro." Janeiro nodded, before bowing his head and walked out of the room. I rubbed my forehead, before standing up and walking outside my office to see Damon sitting down at the floor next to the office, "Damon, c'mon. Let's go inside" I stretch my hand at him, excited to get to feel his soft hand and the soft shock that travels through my body everything we touch.

You gently placed his hand in my larger hand, those delicious shocks go through my body, making Russel begun to feel restless from his intoxicating scent that drives me so fucking insane. I can feel my wolf fighting for control. 'let me out now! I want mate!' I tried to ignoring him, as I pulled Damon up. "stop it, Russel, You don't want to scare our mate, now do you?" I close the door to my office after Damon walked in. I saw him sat down at the chair in front of my desk, looking down. Russel huffed but finally stopped fighting for control. I quickly went to sat down at my chair after getting Russel under control.

"Damon." He was still looking down, but nodded in acknowledgment. "Look at me, baby." The way his cheek heated up after being called baby made my heart skip a beat. I just couldn't help my self, he was so beautiful, so soft looking. he was just pure perfection. "what happened that caused you to attack another pack member?" Damon looked at me, but not direct eye contact. Cheeks still red from the blush, "Janeiro was with Rose and Jully. They were talking and I was minding my own business walking towards the kitchen to eat a snack or something, and then I heard them laughing and looking at me as I look around something to eat. Then he just started to insult me and mad fun of my weight. So punched his nose and pushing him to the floor."

I nodded at Damon. I understand where he comes from, but he can't attack others. He has to come to me, I'll deal with them. "Damon, You can't go and beat up your pack mates," Damon crossed his arm as he said "But he insulted me, I was just defending myself!" I nodded at him, and begun to explain, "I understand that, I really do. But you should've come to me, I would have deal with the three of them." Damon nodded at me as he looked down. My heart hurt just looking at him looking so sad, "I'll let you go this time with a warning since it's your first fight here in the pack house and because you were defending yourself. Next time, I'll punish you." Russel huffed, "In more than one way~" I rolled my eyes at russel. "Yes, Alpha." Something about being called alpha by him truly did it turn me on.

"Damon, You're 17, right?" Damon shrugged looking at me with curiosity and wariness. Alpha often asked omegas this for two reasons, Keeping them in track in case of a heat or mate, or abusing sexually at them. I guess he was thinking the latter, "So your heat for your mate is close, right?" I should've ask when there was a more trusting bond build between us, but I most likely have no time to build a super trusting bond. I don't have the time, I want him as my mate already. I want him by my side, I want to hold him and kiss him. 'And fuck him so good too' My eyes twitch at Russel, fucking horny wolf. "You can't judge me, You were thinking the same thing." I didn't reply cause it was true, "Yes umm... My heat is in about 3 weeks.." His whole face and neck was bright red, as he tried to casually cover his face with the sleeves of his long, baggy sweater. so fucking cute. I could just eat him up.

"Alright, be very careful when you're starting to have symptoms about your heat starting anytime. You go and hide in your room and you lock him and mind link me to get someone help you and take you to a safer room, go it?" "That is if we don't fuck the shit out of him first~" Russel was purring just at the thought of mating our mate, "Just imagen him. Naked and his thick thigh spread open just for us. His cheeks red and wet with tears from all the pleasure. imagen-" I quickly blocked his thoughts, Trying to calm down my arouse. "Ok, Damon. You can go now, make sure to be careful with your heat, and no more fighting."

Damon got up and was about to walk out, before he stopped. His hand on the door knob. "Alpha Ross?" I hummed, my eyes locked to his fat, nice, round ass, and hips. "Why don't you have a mate?"

My breathing stopped for a second, before I breath again, "Because I haven't found him." I saw his eyes turn soft, I know he felt bad for me. Mates are the most sacred thing any wolf can have. "Well, I know who he is, but he's still young to know that his my mate." I saw hope in his eyes. The fact that he wanted to be my mate without knowing that we're actually bonded to be mates.

"Oh? Do... Do I know him..?" The way he cutely bit his bottom lip as he stares at me with big, wide, innocent eyes. "Hmm. In a way, yes. You know him very well. He's a very cute omega."

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