|Chapter 009|

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In the following chapter, there'll be;

-BoyxBoy action/sex

Read at your own risk.

Thank you,





I had dream of finding my beautiful mate, that one perfect person that would be with me for the rest of my life, envision them on how they would look. On how perfect they would be for me. I had a dream that I would become the best alpha of the world, that my people would love me and my mate. That I would be the greatest. I had a dream that everything would be like a fairy tail, sweet easy and with a happy ending. I had a dream where everything was red. I saw my mate, their blurry form. We were in a dark, evil forest, I could tell there were other people with us. I could feel the fear and uneasiness of everybody. I could tell we were looking for something. What was it? I had no idea. The wind was thick, giving off a sensation of being suffocated. My mate, he was hugging me, crying as I ignored him, angry at him. Why? Why would I be angry at my mate? I could never be angry at him. Let alone, let him cry in my arms. Seven people, including me, we were traveling looking for something? What was it?

I had a dream, that I would be the best mate with a normal life. But normal was a little far from reality.


My eyes snap open, meeting the stack of papers next to me in my office, I sat up, weirded out by that stranger dream Or was it a dream? I shook my head, and looked at my close, seeing it was almost 12 O'clock. I got up, and quick put on a shirt, as well as some sweatpants, deceiving to do a quick patron around the territory before going to Damon. My mate. I can't wait for him to finally realize that his my one and only. I got out of the door, closing it, and quickly taking off my clothes, shifting into my wolf. I felt my bone snap and rebuild again into that of a wolf. Shaking my dark, thick fur out. I felt refreshing, I haven't patron in a while, I often left that to my warrior and Beta.

Russell was restless, wanting to go to Damon, but I quickly pushing him down, regardless of my need to go to him.

While running around and remarking my territory, my mind quickly travelled to that dream, that dream that I had. I dream that I had often dreamt about when I was a pup, a teenager. My mate was the only thought it my young mate. Shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts, I decided to go back, after Russell was getting too restless to be here. He wanted his mate, as much as I wanted my mate.

I felt my bone break as soon as I arrived at the pack house. I felt bone scream in slightly pain as I quickly put on my pants, quickly going to Damon's room. I ws nervous, how would he react after knowing we are mates. Will he hate me? Will he be happy? Will he regret it? Will I be able to make him happy? Can I- Shaking my head, soon, Damon snap the door open, Wide eyes as he brought his cute small nose up into the air, definitely smelling my scent and being able to tell that we're mates. Finally. I wait for him to do something, and soon after, he jump into my arms, whining loud as he rubs his face into my neck. My arms quickly wrapped around him bringing him more close to my body, smelling his hair. Relaxing knowing that he was accepting me.

My heart felt like it was about to exploits, actually, I think my heart did exploits from the happiness. Seeing how happy my omega was that I was his mate. I was worrying for nothing. I felt Damon snuggle into my neck, inhaling my scent. I understand, I feel the same, the need to inhale and memorize his addicting scent.

°R O S S°  (ONHOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora