|Chapter 011|

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chapter 11

3rd pov

Damon was sitting on the dinning table, uncomfortable but nibbling on a piece of bread, eating all the food they put on his plate, which was quick delicious and smell very good. The plate was full with cooked salmon, with a salad on the side, smash potatoes, with some roasted vegetables, and a bowl of fruit salad, which Damon ate all "-and yeah, I think that's all-Oh! and the restroom is to your left, end of the hallway to the right." Tori said, talking to Damon while he was eating. "Wow. You surely love to eat." Angela said, staring at Damon, who start to become very conscious of his appearance. "Leave him Alone, Angel! It's a good thing that finally someone can eat all there food and not waste any! There's no shame on it!" Tori smiled at Damon, who placed the half eaten salmon down, smiled nervously at her, "I-its ok... I'm not hungry anymore."

Tori glared at Angela, who looked at her surprised, "What?" Tori rolled her blue eyes at her and turn back at Damon, "What?! I didn't do anything, babe!" Tori ignore Angela, and continue to smile at Damon, "No no no no go ahead and finish it, it's alright." just as Damon was about to decline once again, he heard a door slam shut.

A smirking male came walking in, smiling at the people that where on the room. He was handsome, very handsome. He wasn't tall but he wasn't short either. He had dark skin, that glow against the artificial light of the kitchen. White teethes and full, plump lips. Wide nose, and dark eyes. A jaw that could slice butter, and high cheekbones. Thick black eyebrows with thick curly hair. He was very handsome indeed. "Oh! Omar, welcome back!" Tori exclaimed, getting up from the chair that was next to Damon. "I brought us a friend!" Tori claps her hands, jumping slightly in excitement. "Yeah, and it's a fucking mutt." Angela added, much to Tori's displeasure.

Omar hissed at the mention of a wolf on his territory, "Why the fuck would you bring a fucking mutt into my territory?!" Omar said, his eyes turning a bright green with a bit of yellow around the pupil. Tori swallowed nervously, "y-y-yeah! But he's very friendly, look!" She moved away from his view, extending her thin arms so that it was pointing at Damon, who was very scared on the chair, nibbling the Salmon. What? He eats when he's nervous, or scared, or happy, or just any emotion on general and right now, he was very scared and nervous.

Omar's bright eyes widen in surprised, he has never seems such a beautiful angel. He was sitting down, nervously, with chubby cheeks filled stuffed food. Puppy dogs eyes moving around nervously, chubby hands wrapped around the glass of orange juice. Omar approached Damon smirking at him, "Hello beautiful, I'm Omar and this is my territory." He wiped a piece of crust on the side of his mouth, feeling proud when Damon blushed in embarrassment.


"I think that it could work. You can bring us some of your warriors while the rogues are still there and we'll bring you some of our money, we'll sing the alliance, and your people can train in my land that's on the west side of my territory." A redhead alpha said. The alpha of the west, who had been in a tense satiation approached Ross in hopes that their people will be protected. His name was Archer. He was very strong with bulging muscles in his body, although more on the short side, you just couldn't underestimate him. He was strong and powerful, maybe even more than Ross himself. He had a head full of red hair, skin that was tanned by the sun, face full with freckles, and soft dull blue eyes that looks almost grey. His mate was sitting next to him, in a long dress, with blonde hair, and a cute baby face. Acne spots decorating the side of her cheekbones, and a beautiful smile that was as bright as the sun. Her name was Charlotte.

"That's all?" Ross question, wanting to see if they wanted to give him more. He wanted them to give him more. He wanted it all. Archer raised a brow but let out a full laugh, which annoyed Ross. "Just like always, Ross. Wanting to get everything you can Haha You're just a greedy person!" Charlotte let out a soft laugh. "I'm afraid that's all we can offer, we had already giving you more than what we should have." Charlotte explain, quickly adding, "Unless you can give us something else that will makes us give you more." Ross thought about it for a second, "Alex-" He turn to look at Alex, his beta, who was next to him the whole time, listing and ready to help Ross in case of being needed... Only to find out he was snoring away in his chair, sleeping as per usual. Just like in every meeting.

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