|Chapter 003|

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Chapter 3

3rd POV

Damon, Rose, and Jully were awkwardly staring at the beta, who was laying in the chair, legs on the table as he had an arm around his eyes to lock the sun almost half asleep. "Beta Alex, all I have to say is that Damon start-" "I don't care, I just want to sleep." The three of them stood there shook, not expecting for the beta to mumble that, but neither say anything else, "Rose, You'll get a whole month of not shifting, the same for you Jully and Damon. You'll also have to help with patron around the pack territory and you'll train twice now." Rose stood there shook, mouth open and eyes wide in disbelief. It looked like she had a lot to say to the young beta, but decided to keep it to her self. "Jully, you'll get to help around with the pups for the rest of the month, you'll help around the omegas in the kitchen." Jully just nodded, accepting her punishment. Damon was anxiety waiting for his harsh punishments like Jully and Rose, who were glaring holes at the side of Damon's head. He truly didn't know what to expect. He just hope it wasn't too bad. "Damon, you'll help around the garden for the rest of the month." Damon waited for the Beta to continue, "Got it?" Damon was shook but nodded, happy that he didn't had a harsh punishment, "But it's not fair, he didn't get a harsh punishment like us!" Rose growled at the beta, who instantly got up from his laying position and growl back at her, making Rose, Jully, and Damon instantly submit to him. The beta relax noticing them submit, but also from smelling the distress from the tiny omegas next to the girls.

He quickly dismiss them, and could finally take the much desired nap that he been wanting to have.

Beta Alex knew that Damon was Alpha Ross's mate, it was obvious by the way the alpha behaves around the omega, treating him softly and making sure he spoke to him with care, adoration shining in the Alpha's eyes. It was more than obvious in the Beta's mind. Alex shook his head at the thought, and sat back down at the chair, going back t his previous laying on the chair with his legs on the table and was already nodding into the world of dreams.

Damon was quickly heading to his room. Feeling a bit the effect of the Beta's growl on his body. He just needed to eat something to calm him down a bit. He quickly went to the mini fridge he had in his room and start to get out a whole ice cream container, and sat down next to the now closed frigde. Grabbing the spoon that was on top of it, and open the container, quickly spooning the ice cream and bringing it to his mouth, eating it like no other. His eyes getting wet with tears, as he sniffed, trying to not cry. Continue eating the whole container of ice cream until nothing was left. Quickly reaching again at fridge, He looked around quickly before taking out a piece of chocolate cake, a small bottle of coke, and half a crème caramel start to eat it with his bare hands, completely forgetting about the spoon. He continue to eat and eat as tears stream down his face. He couldn't stop this bad habit, even when he tried, he couldn't. It's just that food taste so good, it also helps him when he's sad, angry, distress or upset.

he sat down next to the fridge, looking at all the wrappers and empty containers and cans. He felt ugly, disgusting. Fat. He regret letting his emotion took over when he could've taking a run in his wolf form to let out his distress. "It's Ok damon. You're the best human I could've ever had." Keegan said, hearing my thoughts. That still didn't make him feel better, but Damon was grateful for Keegan trying to make him feel better, "Thank you, Keegan. I love you so much. You're the best wolf ever." Damon closed his eyes, as Keegan and himself relax together, forming and connecting their bond to make it stronger, and keep then united as one.

Alpha Ekon Ross POV

I shake hands with Alpha Rosaline, from the wester region, as well as her Beta Jean. After 5 hours of discussing peace treaty, and expansion of my pack, we finally came into an agreement that would benefit us both. Even though I wasn't exactly happy with it. Hopefully, later on I can make another meeting with Alpha Rosaline and try to get more out of this. I need this pack to be the best. Not trying to be greedy, but It has to be the best.

After they left, I sigh and went back to my best to work on more paper work, reading through contract and singing the ones I like and that will benefit me and my pack. I also need to wake up tomorrow to train my pack members, they need to be the best. We've to train for at least 4 hours. I'll need to finish singing more papers, then I'll have to work out a bit. Then- "Go to see mate" I stopped all my movement at what my wolf had said. Of course, go see my beautiful mate. I haven't seen my beautiful mate the whole day today. I been so busy, that I haven't had any free time. but I can go and see him right now. I go up, excited to see my mate. I clumsy grabbed all the paper work and stack them together, leaving them on top of my desk for later on, to do them and go out of my office.

While fast walking to my mate's room, everything was quiet. I never realized when it had gotten this dark. Shaking my head, still I wanted to see my  mate. Running down the stairs, to the second floor where my mate's room was at, I turn around the corner and went to his room. I took a deep breath, inhaling his sweet scent. I quietly open the door of my mate's bedroom, peaked my head inside and the first thing I saw was the messed around the floor close to the mini fridge he had in the corner of his room. The mini fridge door was left open and it was completely empty, all the food gone and trashed around his room. He was laying on the floor in fetus pose, eyes close and snoring lightly as he shakes from the cold, his small bottom nose, red and his cheek with a tinted a soft pink. My eyes turn soft as I look at him, quietly entering, closing the door gently behind me and went to approached him. Picking him up gently without wakening him up and place him gently under the cover, making sure he was nicely covered and warm. I brushed his soft locks away from his face and place a kiss on his forehead. Quietly picking up all the messed on his room.

I heard a soft whimper coming from him. I quickly went to him and brushed my fingers through his soft, slightly wavy hair. His brows furrowed together, his whimpers calming down, but the slight frown on his nicely, shaped brows. I gently brought a finger in between his eyebrows, and gently brushed them, trying to get the frown off his face. I placed another kiss in his forehead, and lay besides him, spooning him. I felt him relax into me, and pushed himself closer to me. Unconsciously purring in his sleep. I close my eyes and decided to take a small nap, and wake up before he could so that I can leave early. He doesn't have to know that we're mates yet.

His beautiful head wouldn't be able to take it yet. I can already imagen how his beautiful big brown eyes shiny so innocently, a cute boxy smile, with a cute wrinkle of the bridge of his nose. He truly was adorable thing I have ever seem. I put my nose into his soft dark blonde locks, and was already drifting into the world of dream, where my beautiful mate was laughing and contently in my arms, laying naked against my chest. I can't wait to claim him to be mine. He's my one and only mate.

Russell purred at the thought, "He'll be ours. His the only one that I'll be greedy for. Because he's our perfect match. The perfect mate with big brown eyes, cute button nose, and slightly wavy dark blonde hair."

He's the one I dreamed about, and I can't wait to claim him as mine.

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