|Chapter 016|

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Chapter 16

3rd POV

While working on more paper work that afternoon, he heard a knocking on his office door. Ross sighed, "Come in." but his bad mood didn't last long, seeing his cute, smiling mate approach him, "Hi, Alpha." Placing the papers down, he open his arms for his mate to nest in. "Hi, my precious omega." Hugging his mate to his chest, his head resting on top his Damon's fluffy hair. The room was in silence, neither speaking, but they didn't need too. They were comfortable with each other, relaxing and enjoying each other presence.

"I'm hungry and I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat with me? I'm craving some chinese food or sushi or some eggrolls, or just asain food." Ross chuckled, looking at his mate's chubby and adorable face, "Of course baby, anything you want, as long as I'm with you." His strong arms still .wrapped around his mate's waist, and resting on top of the thick ass. Damon giggled, and blushed as he stares at his mates beautiful eyes.

After both stared into each other's eyes, Damon shyly broke the eye contact, feeling shy from the look that his mate had given him. Ross chuckled, his eyes slightly creasing from the corner of his eyes, from his Hollywood smile. "Why don't we get you that Chinese food that you want, hm?" Damon giggled while nodding his head, pulling away, making Ross growled at the loss of the tingles that he got from his mate. Damon giggled and petting his mate's hair to the side, "Your hair looks better this way." Usually Ross would brushed it back, but it only cause it to part in the middle, so he just let his hair do what it wants. "Oh yeah?" Ross smirked at Damon, who nodded at the previous question.

"Yeah, you look more handsome." Ross chuckled, as Damon grin at him. "Let's go get food! I'm so hungry!" Damon complained,​ giving Ross his pup dog eyes. Ross chuckled and shakes his head, "Alright baby, let's go." Ross got up and stretched his hand out for Damon to hold, once they were holding hand, both walked out with a destination in mind.

Walking peacefully holding hands, enjoying each other presence. Though, that moment was short lived as they heard voices screaming from one of the pack member's room, more specifically Alex's room. Both Ross and Damon were confused on what's going on, bu that confusion turn to worry when they heard Hye's voice screaming. Damon quickly let go of his name's hand and ran inside to rescue his friend, old to froze on his step once he opened the door. Ross got behind his mate and also froze in his spot.

There in the room of his beta, he saw a naked Hye who was wrapped in a red bedsheet, and Alex who only had his boxers on, both with messy sex-hair. Both Alex and Hye frozed, as Damon blushed before closing the door. Ross stared at the now closed door. They heard noises coming from the door and they quickly left the house, "Let's just get food, ok?" Damon nodded, face still red. They were footsteps from behind them before, a panting and bedsheet wrapped Hye was at.



After a that delicious meal, Ross and Damon had to go back since his mate had a meeting to attend, Damon wasn't allowed to go when he offered to go with him, Ross saying that ''it's too dangerous for my precious omega." All Damon did was pouted and was in his room, which he felt like it's been so long since he last has seem it. He kind of missed it, even Keegan agreed with him. Deciding to watch some anime on his computer and eat a few snack.

After a while, he started to miss his mate, and Keegan kept bothering him to go running. "It's been a while since we've last went running..." feeling guilty, Damon Setting the computer aside, he left his room and started to walk to Ross's office in hope he had already finished the meeting to go running together, if not, then oh well. Suck it up.

Smiling as he got closer to the office, Damon went to open the door only to stop when he heard voices talking inside, "Oh he's still in a meeting, oh well, I'm still going in." About to open the door he heard something that made him stop, "My mate is ugly and fat? Oh for sure I agree with you, He's just so ugly and fat, He would look less ugly if lost weight-" Not wanting to hear more, he quickly left with a heavy heart, feeling his eyes water. Going into the kitchen, he quietly sobbed as he open the fridge and start eating everything he could, feeling terrible about himself. Keegan whimpering loudly in his head.

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