|Chapter 26|

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Chapter 26
3rd POV

"What the hell?" Omar said what everyone was thinking. This strange place, the room that was hidden behind that huge, wide door. This room was not just an ordinary room. It was a special room- a room full with mirrors. Mirrors that weren't regular. It seems almost like it was one of those mirror maze, expect, this was different. There was something that was almost disturbing. The sins stood there, looking at the maze of mirror, silently wondering what the hell was this place. Omar stepped forward before Ross stopped him, "Wait Omar. I'll go first-" "Didn't you say you have a mate to worry about? Then you shouldn't go first. You'll get killed first if there's enemies in there. You'll precious pregnant little mate will soon follow after you because of a heart break. If I get go in first, you won't have to worry about your mate since I'll be the one to die first. My pride, I have my right hand man in charge of the pride. I trust him to guide my pride in the right direction if I don't return." Omar eyes changed Yellow, showing his feline was ready to come out.

"You have a warrior in charge of your pack because you're right hand is here. How do you think your pack will do if both of you die? Not only will they loss their Alpha, and Beta, but also their Luna, an Omega, and a pack doctor. You have more to loss than I do. You're not thinking this through, but I am. I want us to survive, and I know if I were to die, you guys will be able to move forward, but if you were to die, I'm not sure if we'll be okay." Everything was quiet. Too quiet. Hye observes everyone, but speaking his mind. "Alpha, Omar is right" Ross head snapped at Hye's direction, with angry eyes. "You have more to loss than him."

Hye nervously stared at his alpha, yet he didn't break eye contact. He just wanted his alpha to think things through.

"Alpha- Please, just let Omar go through first- it doesn't matter who goes first, as long as we get out of here fast." Damon pulled the arm of his mate with worry eyes, as Ross looked down at his pregnant mate. "Damon, You don't understand-" "No! You don't understand anything! Fine! Go on first, and die and then I'll be alone with a pup suffering from a heart break because my stupid mate was too prideful to let the enemy go first!" 

Ross glared angrily at Damon, as Damon did the same. "I am only trying to do what's best for everyone, why is no one understanding!"

"That's because you're pulling your own personal feelings into this! All you keep doing is fighting with Omar therefore, making it take longer for us to leave this place! I just want to go home already!" Damon wiped his eyes and continue to stare at his mate, who was still fuming in anger.

"Ekoh, How about I go in first? And then you can watch out for us in the back? It'll be a good position for us to-" Alex was interrupted by Ross growling, "No. I'll be going in first. That's final." With that, Ross started to walk towards the door, where Omar was silently standing at.

"I don't understand why you insist on going first! It's like you see Omar as a threat!" Damon complaint loudly at his mate, as Hye snapped his head at Damon and glared at him, "Shut it, Omega! You're only making it worst!" Damon looked at Hye offended, placing a chubby hand against his chest to furthermore prove how offended he felt, "Me? Making it worst? Please! Im only trying to avoid getting my mate killed! But I mean, of course you don't care. since it isn't You're mate the one who's going first and possibly get himself killed!" Damon harshly brushed his hair away from his face, as he continue to glared at Hye, who's jaw clenched in annoyance, "Well, it's not like we can do much to convince him to not go! He's gonna go either way!"

Damon stood tall as he reply, "Well, if he's going in first then I'll go with him!!"


No one dared to speak.

No sound was heard.

Yet, it was tense.

Very tensed and quiet, that you could heard a pin drop.

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