Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“Right, the interview” I muttered scuffling over to the nearest chair and pulling it to where they were sat. “If this goes badly I’m sorry; it’s my first time doing this” I tried to joke as I set everything up, they chuckled and watched me, it was kind of unnerving. “You look too young to be doing this” Liam said sitting back in his seat, I smiled and looked up at him before returning my attention to the tape recorder trying to figure out how to  turn it on.

“Ha-ha, I got an apprenticeship with them and I’ve been reviewing albums since starting, this is the first time doing something different” I said smiling as I’d managed to figure out how to turn the thing on, I looked up and locked eyes with Harry before quickly looking away. “Hold on, did you review our album?” he asked, I looked at him before nodding. “How do you know, I mean it’s not been published yet” I asked trying not to look at those curls.

“We got sent it to check to see if it was okay, and we really liked it” Niall said talking with a mouthful of what looked like a biscuit, I had no idea where it came from though as there was no food in the room.  “Well I’m glad you liked it” I said kind of relieved that they themselves liked it.

I picked up the pen and paper I’d bought with me and looked up to see Harry looking at me with a smirk, my stomach churned. Even though I was now 99.6% sure he didn’t recognise me I didn’t like the look he was giving me right at that moment. It reminded me of the looks he gave me when we stopped at the service station. “Okay let’s start this. Okay the first questions you probably get asked all the time, but here goes anyway; what do you look for in a girl?” I asked, the voice recorder was recording and my pen was at the ready, not just to write down what they said but also what they did.

First person to answer was Liam, “Well I like a girl with a nice smile, a kind heart, she’s got to be funny and understand about the band, as well as the fact she will have to go without spoons, and sporks” he said, I laughed and wrote down that as he spoke he had a grin on his face, he must have had someone in his mind when he was saying it.

“Well as everyone knows I like a girl who likes carrots. No not really! She’s got to be fun to be around, confident, funny and very lovable.” Louis said in an upbeat tone, he seemed so hyper unlike the other boys.

“I’m not fussed, as long as she loves me as much as I love her” Niall said, the others looked at him and Zayn playfully hit him in the arm before looking at me as he began to speak.

“I like a girl with her own style, confidence, pretty eyes” he said and this time it was Niall’s turn to hit him, they both laughed and looked at Harry waiting for him to speak. Why did I even ask this question? I knew whatever he was going to say would hurt, especially when I thought there was the chance he actually liked me.

“I like a girl with a cute laugh, someone caring and willing to do something stupid to make me smile” I almost laughed out loud at what he said but somehow managed to contain myself, yeah like. He’d probably get her thinking about him non-stop then do something to destroy all those hopes she had of him.

“And are any of these descriptions about any girls?” I asked, looking at them all except Harry because frankly I didn’t want to know his answer. Louis, Liam and Zayn all replied with a yes and Niall and Harry said no, when I looked at Harry he had the biggest grin on his face. Obviously he didn’t think of just one girl in that way. I used to think all the stories in the magazines were fake, about him seeing a different girl almost every other week, but maybe they were true, maybe he couldn’t commit to one girl.

“Alright, next question; favourite song on the new album?” Louis was the first to answer; he didn’t hesitate to shout it out. “Little things”, it was an amazing song I had to agree with that. Ed Sheeran can write some amazing tunes. “Summer Love” replied Zayn, “Rock me” was Harry’s response, Liam said “They Don’t Know” and Nialls favourite was “Over Again”. I carried on asking the questions you’d heard so many times before, then moved on to some I’d thought of last night that were a bit different from the usual.

Stuck In A Traffic Jam With Harry StylesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon