Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Waking up at seven in the morning to get ready for work seemed like hell, especially after such an amazing day yesterday, I just wanted to curl up under the duvet and reminisce. I had made a promise to myself that if I never heard from then again since they were hitting the big city, that I wouldn’t be upset. I mean I’d had such a great time getting to know them and hang out with them, not many people could say they’d done what I’d done.

As I was getting changed into my usual work clothes I came across the wig and everything else I’d used to become Hannah, I decided that they were better off in a drawer at work then they were here, I mean who knows they may become useful for something else.

My mum could see there was a change in my mood but she didn’t say anything, I felt angry for some reason and I had absolutely no clue why. My dad on the other hand was oblivious and was his usual chirpy self, as I munched on my toast like it tasted disgusting he whistled a random tune. His happy mood continued up until he dropped me off outside work, I muttered a short thank you and grabbed my bag sulking out the car.

The revolving doors always stumped me, especially when someone went in before me, I paused for a good few seconds waiting for the right moment to seize the opportunity to go through. As I pushed the glass door round half a circle and stepped into the entrance of the lobby I noticed five familiar figures, my eyes went wide and I ducked my head, walking as quickly as I could to the stairs before running up them. I could not let them see my without my disguise for a few very important reasons; one, they might recognize me as ‘Hannah’. Two, Harry might recognize me as me, which would just be humiliating. Finally third, Harry might recognize me, and the other boys recognize me as Hannah and then I really would be in deep doo doo.

I quickly ran into my office, as soon as I stepped in Mark pounced on me looking slightly confused. “Sophie we have One Direction in the lobby, I would say that was a good thing but they say they’re here to see Hannah and we have no-one in the department under that name, do you have any idea about who they might have come to see?” I bit my lip and looked at him sheepishly nodding, he raised his eyebrows waiting for me to explain.

“See I sort of already met one of the members before the interview and let’s just say it ended really badly between us. When I heard that I was going to be interviewing them I really didn’t want him to notice me, so I bought a wig and a few other things and when they asked what my name was I said Hannah” I felt really guilty as I told him this, sort of like a school kid who had done something wrong. It was hard to read his expression as he thought about what I’d said, I had no idea how he was going to react.

He burst out laughing, I stared at him while he let it out but took it as a good sign. “Oh Sophie what are we going to do with you?” he chuckled, “Have you got the wig and everything else you use to become Hannah?” I nodded, it only just hit me then that I was like Hannah Montana, same name and everything, though I hadn’t thought about that at the time I blurted the name out. “Well I’ll tell reception that Hannah will be down to see them in a minute, you have fifteen minutes okay?” he informed and I nodded quickly emptying my bag and putting on the wig and glasses. I straightened my outfit out and ran to the bathroom to put the contacts in, I was so lucky I had decided to bring everything in with me today!

It took me five minutes to change persona meaning I had ten minutes left before I had to get back to work, Mark laughed at me as I walked past and I just smiled along with him – I bet it was a weird thing to see by one of your employee’s. As I went back down the stairs to the lobby where I’d last seen them I began wondering why they were here, I mean they were going back to London today.

I smiled at Sally when I walked past though she gave me a strange look, obviously not recognizing me through the disguise! “Hey!” I exclaimed once I was stood behind their five back, they all turned to face me with grins, before I could stop them they were jumping on me for a hug.

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