Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It’s been just over two weeks since the boys left for London, in that time I’ve had a few texts from them all asking how I’ve been doing. Harry had been texting me the least which I was kind of disappointed at, not going to lie. Liam had been texting me the most, but don’t get any ideas it was just in a friendship type of way, well I think so anyway. Zayn had texted me twice asking how I was doing, Niall kept texting me about how he couldn’t find a hot chocolate as the one here, and food, god knows how that boy is not fat. Louis had just been, well Louis. I’d had numerous jokes sent to me, a few prank calls where he pretended his phone had been stolen, and a picture of him in a dress, and nope I have no idea why he was wearing it. Harry had texted me just once, it was a few days after he left and it read ‘How are you doing? I hope that moustache hasn’t grown back already or I’m going to have to shave it again ;) Next time we come your way we’ll have to meet up again cause I had an amazing time! Harry xx’

I think I overthought the whole message, I mean I began reading it over and over again, analysing everything, which didn’t help me the slightest, in-fact it only made me more confused. I did however take it as he only wanted to be friends, which I was completely fine with, well...

However I had also gotten myself into rather a big pickle. See it seems Harry remembered me, well the Sophie version anyway and was on a mission to find me. You see my problem? I had found out about it last week when I’d seen one of Harry’s tweets, and then the other boys saying the same thing, to read a Twitlonger, and so I read it, and I kind of wish I hadn’t because now I don’t know what the heck to do.

Hey everyoneee! Harry here!

Now I have a mission for you guys, hopefully it won’t be too hard for you to do, or find.

I’m trying to find a girl that I met while stuck in traffic on the way back from London. Now I know what she looks like, I know her name, and I know that she lives in Nottingham, but I want to find her. So if you live in Nottingham, or know a girl named Sophie who does, let me know! If you are Sophie I need to know three things, first what you were doing that caught my attention. Second, where you were coming from, and thirdly what song you were singing. I only want honest people sending me the answers please!

You’re probably wanting to know why I’m looking for this girl, well she intrigued me, and she owes me a slice of chocolate cake.

Hopefully I’ll find her, please send your answers to the questions to this email


Andd you can see why I’m kind of freaking out about the whole thing right? I mean why would he give me a dodgy number and then do this? It made no sense! So yes I was confused beyond words, and so far I had done nothing about his little quest to find me. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do yet either, I needed wrap my head around the whole thing before I decided to do anything.

“Sophie are you ready?” my dad shouted up the stairs asking if I was ready so he could drop me off at work, I mumbled something before running to the bathroom brushing my teeth before putting some of my favourite pink lipstick on. Ready.

I ran down the stairs grabbing my bag on the way out, along with an apple, since I had only a cup of tea this morning. “Don’t forget that it’s your brothers football presentation tonight so you’ll need to make your own way home and get some dinner” my dad informed me, I nodded remembering that both my parents were going too, football really wasn’t my thing so I turned down the invite to go. “Okay have fun” I smiled kissing him on the cheek before stepping out the car as we had arrived at my work building.

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