Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

We sat almost in silence as we ate the pizza, every now and again someone would say something but other than that we were all too busy thinking about what we could do. “Just thinking out loud here, wouldn’t it be easier is Hannah disappeared?” I asked, the more I thought about it the more I thought it made more sense for Hannah to disappear and I just be myself, but then there was the problem of whether Harry would recognize me as her even without the disguise. “I was thinking the same thing” Niall mumbled with a mouth full of pizza. I glanced at Liam and I could see just how hard he was thinking about the plan.

“No I think your right. What if we say that Hannah had to move somewhere, like Scotland or something? And if you meet Harry and he seems to think you look similar say you’re cousins or something” Liam said, I nodded wiping my hands on a tissue as I was stuffed from eating so much pizza, Niall and Liam on the other hand were still going.

“I think it’s probably best” I nodded opening my laptop again and composing an email back to Harry.

Hey Harry.

The only reason why I’m hanging back is because you gave me an invalid mobile number, I thought you didn’t want to see me ever again, and this came out of the blue. I tried calling you but it just went through some automated service or something. Why the sudden change of heart? I need answers before I give you a when and where.

Sophie xx

I kept my inbox open because I was fairly certain I wouldn’t have to wait very long for a response. Liam and Niall were trying to figure out how Hannah could disappear and what they’d say to the other boys.

As I thought I only had to wait around five minutes until my laptop pinged telling me I had a new message in my inbox, I opened it without any hesitation.


I didn’t give you an invalid number. Why would I do that? I really liked hanging out with you even if it was just for a short period of time and I wanted to hang out with you again, as I said earlier you intrigue me. Here’s my number again, are you sure it’s not the same? I would honestly never give you a wrong number, please believe me. Text me or something.

Harry xx

I thought about it for a minute, after believing he’d given me the wrong number for all this time was there now the chance that he could have accidentally given it to me wrong? Or even that I’d read the number wrong? I grabbed my phone, scrolling through the logbook until I found the number he’d given me on the napkin. I compared it with the one he’d emailed me, and his number already stored in my phone from when he’d given it to me when I was Hannah, I almost wanted the ground to swallow me up. I’d mistaken two separate 8’s for 3’s.He’d given me the right number all along.

“F*ck” I cursed. Liam and Niall stopped what they were doing and threw me questioning glances. “I just realized that when he wrote the number down on the napkin I mistook some of the numbers wrong, he gave me the right number all along! I didn’t need to get myself in this mess in the first place!” I ran my hand threw my hair, if only I had been more careful when copying his number down I would have never got myself into this mess.

“Well I would say tell him the truth since you made a mistake, but he gets pretty pissed when people keep secrets from him” Niall said finally finishing the pizza. I sighed, there really was no way I could win was there?

“So even if I tell him anything he’ll hate me?” surely he wouldn’t be mad right? I mean everyone makes mistakes. I know I kept a pretty big secret from him but I only did it to avoid humiliation, or to avoid the humiliation I thought I was going to get.

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