Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Before we even got to Harry’s flat in London management had already released a press statement so the whole world knew that we were now in a relationship. Going onto the bands twitter account I opened a link which led me to their website, on it was the statement, I sat back in my seat to read it.

‘Harry Styles Relationship

Recently there has been a lot of speculation involving the boys and their friend Sophie. As many of you may know Harry has been looking for a girl he met a while ago, we are pleased to announce that she has been found. We would like to release a short statement announcing that Harry and Sophie are in fact in a relationship and we hope you will support them together’.

It was definitely short and sweet, as well as being straight to the point. I didn’t really know what to think. I mean I knew at that moment thousands of girls probably wanted the FBI to hunt me down so I could be locked up or stabbed with some tweezers or something ridiculous. I glanced at Harry in the front seat, he had his earphones on as he tapped his leg to the beat of the song. It’s like he didn’t have a care in the world while he had his earphones on, he was so caught up in the music he didn’t even grimace or stare me off when I caught his gaze in the mirror. His eyes connected with mine, I was totally prepared for him to shake his head and look away, but he didn’t. Instead our eyes met for a few seconds too long, it was like he was trying to read me or something. But the thing that caught me off the most was how soft his eyes looked as he glanced back at me, there was no hatred there, it was almost like his eyes were trying to tell a different story, but I knew I wouldn’t get to hear the end.

When he did look away something in me flipped and I shook my head, I couldn’t let him get to me anymore, I wouldn’t let him. Returning my attention back to the conversation Louis was having with Zayn about why a pineapple was shaped like a pineapple, I couldn’t hold back the smile that crept on my face because of the hilarity of the conversation. I mean a pineapple, really?


Unlike the last time I was travelling to/from London we didn’t get stuck in a traffic jam, thank goodness too because otherwise that would have bought even more awkwardness between me and Harry, and I wasn’t sure I could handle any more! Pulling up onto an unfamiliar street in the centre of London was kind of nerve-wracking, now that I was here it hit me what I had to do and a wave of panic swept over me.

The house we pulled up outside was a three story detached house, it looked pretty big from the outside and the tall black gates against the white walls gave it a modern vibe. Harry was the first to climb out the car, he went straight over to the gate putting in the security pin so the gate swiftly opened. Niall opened the door and I followed him out, Louis behind me and then when the seats were put down Liam and Zayn followed. The driver got all my bags out and when Harry unlocked the door with his best poker face everyone followed him in.

“I’m going to have a shower, can one of you show her to the spare room and give her a tour?” Harry mumbled looking at the other four boys, one by one they nodded and without even a glance at me he walked off down the corridor, I presumed to his room. “Well this is going to be a whole lot of fun” I exclaimed sarcastically, Zayn and Niall gave me a sympathetic glance. “It won’t be as bad as you think it’s going to be” Liam smiled reassuringly picking up two of my bags, I went over and grabbed the other. “You know deep down what you said is true, I mean how can you not have fun with five handsome hunks willing to do anything to entertain you” Louis exclaimed jumping up and down, I don’t know where he got all that energy from – although  I guess the hot chocolate may have had something to do with it.

Stuck In A Traffic Jam With Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now