Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

As soon as the words left Harry’s mouth I knew that there was no turning back, we had got ourselves into a deal we wouldn’t be able to get out of in any ease. “Well I’m glad you’ve both decided to make the right decision. We’ve already planned everything out, talked to the people who need talking to, and it’s all worked out” I glanced at the boys who were all paying attention to whatever management was saying. Harry caught my eye and grunted causing Liam to glance in my direction with a tug at his lips.

“Alright Sophie we’ve talked to your boss Mark who’s willing for you to work away from home, if he emails you the assignments and you complete them in the time he provides” I looked at the man speaking confused, why would I need to work away from home? Just as if he was reading my confused expression he began to explain further. “For the plan to work you’re going to have to move into Harry’s apartment with him for four months” My eyes bulged, did he seriously just say that I’d be living with Harry, and for four months?! I must have heard right because Curly looked far from pleased, in-fact he looked furious. “Wait a minute, you mean in London?” I perked up, mum and dad surely wouldn’t let me move in with one of the biggest playboys would they?

“It will be good for you Sophie, plus what you did was a hundred per cent wrong and you need to face the consequences” mum spoke sternly so I looked down, it was kind of embarrassing with the large audience. When I caught their glances they looked at my sympathetically, apart from Harry, he still looked furious. “We’ll release a press statement soon to announce your relationship and it will require you both to go out together on ‘dates’ and acting like a sweet, PG couple okay?” the man continued, I did even know his name yet he was giving out instructions I knew I would have to follow. Harry and I nodded before we had to complete the whole ‘deal’ by signing our names on some sort of contract. I didn’t want to sign it to be honest, but the look my mum gave me told me I had no other choice.

“Alright, we’ll give you three hours to pack and see your boss Mark, before we’ll be back to pick you up to go to London” I nodded, not trusting my words if I spoke. I’m sure if I did I would have spit them out in a rather nasty way and I didn’t want to get myself in any more trouble than I was already in.

The three people from management stood up along with the boys and my mum who was thanking everyone for coming and sorting everything out. “If any of you want to stay you can do” I said to the boys, although my words weren’t directed at Harry. “Uh, well I was going to get one of those magical hot chocolates” Niall said rubbing the back of his neck. Unsurprisingly Harry said that he’d go with Niall so I was left with Louis, Zayn and Liam. One look at Niall and he nodded knowing what I wanted, I smiled before leading the three remaining boys up to my room. Though Liam had been in it before I hated the fact that the other two boys would be seeing it for the first time, it meant them judging it.

“How much stuff are you taking?” Zayn asked as he watched me take half my clothing out my wardrobe. Giggling because I knew he would never understand I shook my head “I’m going to be away for four months, do you know how many pairs of clothing you go through in four months?” even saying it now it seemed like a long time, I couldn’t quite believe I was going through with it. “No but what I’m saying is, do you really need to take ear muffs and three scarves? It’s July not December” I did see the point, rolling my eyes I took the earmuffs and scarves and put them away again. Zayn looked slightly happier after I did that which made me laugh a bit, he was a little OCD.

Liam was doing the kind thing and folding all the clothes for me, while Louis was chucking everything into a suitcase my dad had got down from the loft once he and my brother had got back. At first my brother laughed at me, saying that I deserved it, but I could also see that he was slightly jealous. Not just at the fact I was spending four months in London, but the fact I was pretending to date one of the members of the biggest boy band around as I would get many perks out of it. I just rolled my eyes when he said that, after all he was only fifteen.


Louis was currently in-front of my mirror wearing my Hannah wig and glasses, the three boys had accompanied me to the office to see Mark, to say it had been entertaining was an understatement. As soon as they walked in all eyes were on us and when we ended up in Marks office the boys were keen to get to know my boss a bit better. Luckily for me Mark had found it entertaining being bombarded questions by 3/5th’s of One Direction and was even more accommodating with the face I would be working from London. He’d told me he would email at least two projects a week and that I should always send them back to him within three days. It sounded like a pretty good deal to me. So now back at home with Louis pretending to be a girl, flicking the blonde wig over his shoulder as he sung to Britney with a hairbrush, it was quite amusing.

I’d successfully packed all my clothes, make-up, IPod, charges and Laptop, so all that was left were a few small items. Mum packed me a few goodies in a bag including a selection of magazines, chocolate and sweets – she knew just what I liked! In the end the Hannah Wig and glasses ended up in my case, Louis insisted I took them down with me ‘just in case’ I needed them, though I’m not sure what for.

When the doorbell rang on cue three hours later Louis and Zayn were sat on my case while Liam and I were having the battle of trying to zip it up. Liam held one half of the zip and I held the other, though our hands brushed I pushed aside all thoughts of anything that could be classed as ‘feelings’. “We bought you hot chocolate” Niall’s Irish twang rang from the stairs, knowing which hot chocolate it was, we all made eye contact before the four of us managed to successfully shut the case as we wanted to taste the chocolate goodness.

Zayn and Louis raced down the stairs while Liam did the gentleman thing by carrying my suitcase down the stairs, I thanked him knowing it was heavy and bought my own bag down which included the goodies my mum packed, IPod, phone and purse.

One of the men from management that had come earlier took my case to the waiting black range rover outside, I was pretty sure his bald head was the same one that had been driving Harry that night we got caught in the traffic jam, and speaking of it I’m pretty sure the car was the same too. Ignoring that fact because it seemed so long ago I turned to my brother and my parents. This would be the longest time I’d be away from them, even though I knew they were only a car or train journey away it still felt weird knowing I wouldn’t be relying on them for four months, I would have to do everything for myself!

“Make sure you behave yourself okay? Be careful and I expect a lot of texts, phone and Skype calls from you. I know you’re not exactly looking forward to this but I think it will do you a lot of good” mum said whilst hugging me, I nodded smiling. Even though she drives me crazy half the time due to her constant nagging and moaning I knew I would miss her a lot. Taking a long sip of my hot chocolate I moved onto my dad who was smiling like the happy chap he always seemed to be. “Have fun in London! Don’t drink too much, and if that Harry tries anything on I’ll be over in a tic” I laughed sneaking a glance in Harry’s direction as he stood near the door, he gulped and put on a fake smile. I internally thanked my dad, giving him a quick hug and moving last but not least to Matt. “Bring me something back okay? Something awesome that I can’t get from around here” I rolled my eyes giving him a quick hug, he pulled away before me no doubt because it was embarrassing that his older sister was giving him a hug – though I was pretty sure I heard him whisper that he’d missed me too.

After our hot chocolates were finished (I didn’t want to know what Harry and Niall had to pull to get them to be taken away) we all clambered into the seven seated range rover. Harry was quick to take shot gun, Zayn and Liam took the back two seats and I was wedged between Niall and Louis. The journey would take around two and a half hours but I knew with the company around me (cough, Louis, cough) the journey would seem a lot shorter.

A/N – Hope you like it! Sorry I haven’t updated in son long, I’m really going to try I update more regularly. But anyway Comment and vote and I’ll be sure to update quicker next time J x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Stuck In A Traffic Jam With Harry Stylesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें