It all started in a traffic jam with Harry Styles

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Chapter 1

I could barely move. I’d been sat in the same uncomfortable position for an hour already and it didn’t look like we were moving anytime soon. My brother, mum, dad and I were all sat in the car on the M1 from London on the way home to Nottingham. It would normally take around two and a half hours but of course that wasn’t the case today.

We left the house at seven this morning to go to London for my cousin’s wedding, it had been a great day and my cousin and his wife were now jetting off to the Caribbean for their honeymoon while we were sat in a cold car in a traffic jam. To make things worse it was eleven at night so we wouldn’t be getting home until the early hours of the morning – if we were lucky! We’d set off an hour ago but we were still on the outskirts of London so hadn’t got very far.

I looked up from my phone where I had been playing angry birds for the last half an hour to keep myself entertained, but even that had now got boring. My younger brother, Matt, had fallen asleep next to me and my parents were in a discussion about something in the front seats which left me in my own little world in the back.

Looking out the window around me for the first time, I could just see due to the street lamps and car headlights – although most had switched their engines off since we weren’t going to be moving for a while, I wasn’t even sure why we weren’t moving!  - on my brothers side a man in a red car sat tapping his fingers on the steering wheel bopping his head to the beat of the song, I watched amused for a few minutes before growing bored of the sight and looking out my window. I needed to find something to do; only problem was there was only a certain amount of things you could do stuck in a non-moving car.

A black range-rover sat on my side, it was rather a nice car if I must say so myself. I couldn’t see who was in it as the windows were dark tinted but I figured they must be pretty well off. I was about to look away when someone inside it turned a light on and I could see two figures.  One a bulky bald guy who was driving, and the second a teenage boy around my age with curly hair.

As I watched him I noticed how bored he looked – probably similar to the way I looked too – he also looked really grumpy, not that I could blame him. I watched him fiddle around with the radio stations until settling on one and tapping his fingers ever so slightly. I don’t know why I watched him – I blame my boredom – as he tapped his fingers he looked directly at me. Since our cars were side by side he wasn’t that far away, and needing to cheer myself up by doing something, and not wanting curly (I made a nickname for him – after his brown curls) to look any more grumpy I pulled the funniest face I could think of.

When I looked at him afterwards he paused for a few moments before cracking into a smile, his white teeth showing along with two dimples appearing, the guy in the drivers sat looked at him weirdly at his sudden burst of laughter. I smiled back happy I had put a smile on his face when there was no way you really wanted to smile, being stuck in traffic had to be one of the worst things you can experience.

Once he had managed to control his laughter his smile changed into one of the weirdest expressions I had ever seen, I laughed straight away, still with a picture of his demented face etched in my mind. He smiled watching me, my mum and dad were too busy in conversation to even ask about my sudden burst of laughter, and my brother was a deep sleeper so he didn’t even flinch. I thought for a minute about what face I should pull before going cross – eyed and sticking my tongue out, he laughed again, a part of me wished I could hear his laugh but his smile was better than nothing. I paused for a minute, did I really just say that? I didn’t even know him! I shook my head and he gave me a confused look obviously thinking it was for him, but I just pulled a face again and he went back to normal before pulling a face back. Maybe this journey wouldn’t be as bad as I thought it was going to be.

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