Chapter 17

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The next day FP had sent from Riverdale a replacement for Alice's ankle bracelet. It was literally a chip. He had to inject it inside of Alice wherever she wanted. It could've been taken out whenever, but with help because it hurt like hell. FP presented the idea to Alice and she only agreed to it because it wasn't visible to anyone else. So FP had it into Alice's arm.

Then that night Alice found the best club they could go online and she got ready for it. FP had been waiting for her since eight because he didn't want to be there long since he would've gotten bored. But it was almost eleven when Alice came downstairs from her room.

"Took you long enough." FP looked up from his book to Alice. His jaw dropped when he saw her wearing an incredibly short white skirt and a grey t-shirt tied above her skirt, high heels. Her hair was down and she didn't have much make up on since she didn't buy any, but she still looked stunning. "How long do you plan we'll be there?" FP asked instead of complimenting her.

"However long I feel like." Alice rolled her eyes. She walked towards the door without looking back. That night she was going to go wild. Mostly because she wanted to show FP she was fine and she could have fun without him.

When they arrived at the club Alice got lost in the crowd. FP told her before that he was going to be in a booth and when she was done she should go to him and let him know. For the first half an hour FP couldn't see Alice since she was dancing around, but eventually he noticed her when she went to the bar. He could see her clearly as she attempted to buy a drink, but was soon offered one by the man next to her.

"What are you doing Alice?" FP whispered under his breath as he took a sip of his whiskey. He watched Alice closely as she started flirting with the guy that bought her the drink.

"So, what brings such a beautiful lady here?" The man asked and Alice smiled at him.

"A handsome man like you." She placed her hand on his knee and squeezed a little before letting go.

"Glad to hear that, I'm Alex." He moved closer to Alice and he allowed him too. Ever since she left FP that night he had been staring at her or looking around to see her in the crowd, she knew he could see her at the bar, that's why she sat there.

"Alice." She smiled and downed her drink. He was handsome, incredibly handsome, but not FP.

"Nice to meet you Alice." Alex took her hand in his and kissed it. For a moment Alice was afraid he wasn't a man whore, because that's what she needed in those moments. She didn't plan on having a relationship, she just wanted to make FP jealous. But when Alex started moving upward on her arm then he kissed her neck, then her cheek and finally her lips she almost sighed in relief. "Wanna have some fun?"

"My bodyguard over there has a booth ready for us." Alice pointed at FP and she could see the surprise in his eyes as she walked with Alex there. "I'm a pretty big deal in Europe."

"A woman like you can only be a big deal." Alex said as they got into the round booth. "Hi man!"

But FP was silent, he didn't even look at Alex, he looked directly at Alice, with no emotion on his face. "He's not very talkative." Alice rolled her eyes and pulled Alex into a kiss. He was shocked, but at the same time quick to kiss her back. His hands travelled all over her body, but he was different. Alice didn't like it, he was chaotic, while FP's hands were always so firm, he was always so sure of what he wanted and at the same time concerned with what Alice wanted.

Alex just felt her up. Eventually Alice decided to do something herself and she moved her hands to his belt, but he pulled away. "There are people around!" Alex pointed out, but absolutely no one was going to pay attention to them.

"Aren't you adventurous?" Alice asked as she bit her lower lip. She let go of his belt and instead she felt the bulge in his pants.

"I was thinking more about you, because I'll be making you scream my name." Alex said all cocky and Alice had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. There hasn't been one person that did that to her except FP, but she went for it. "Not here though, there's a room upstairs."

"FP can watch the door for us." Alice said and FP was quick to decline that generous offer. "I hired you for my safety and well being. You're watching the door, bodyguard." Alice was more firm this time and FP just stood up and followed her and Alex.

As they walked up the stairs FP grabbed Alice's arm. "The moment you enter that room I'm out." He threatened. Alice looked at his hand around her arm then into his eyes. Her first thought was to just walk inside and not give a damn about what he thought or wanted, but Alice couldn't do it.

"Fine, I'll figure out an excuse."

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