Chapter 25

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Alice did as she was supposed to and pack their bags. For the better part of the road FP and Alice listened and sang along with the music and for the rest they talked or ate something every once in a while. Eventually FP parked the car in front of his parents stupendous house and turned to look at Alice. "Do they know we're together?"

"No." FP shook his head and Alice nodded. She didn't know if she should feel relieved or sad that he didn't tell his parents about them. "But I don't plan on hiding out relationship or lying to them. So they're gonna know. Unless you don't want it."

"I'm fine, but are you sure?" Alice asked FP and he nodded. "Ok." She smiled. She didn't know how good it would be for her that they knew, but FP was by her side as far as she was concerned.

"Let's go." FP said and got out of the car with Alice following him. He took most of their bags as Alice helped with a few of the others and they went to the gigantic door. Alice knocked since she had less bags and the door was opened by a maid. "Hi, I'm Cassandra's and Alexander's son."

"Mr. Jones, we've been expecting you." The woman said and offered to help with some of the bags, but neither FP and Alice let her. Instead she led them inside and closed the door behind them. FP put down the bags he was holding and Alice followed his lead by doing he same. "Mr. and Mrs. Jones are in the living room waiting for you."

"Thank you Mrs. ...?"

"Stevens." The woman smiled at FP. Alice thought that she was sweet and it was a shame that she had to work for such people.

"Stevens." FP repeated after her before she left.

Then FP and Alice made their way towards the living room. As they did so FP grabbed Alice's left hand and held it in his. "Now or never." FP said dramatically and Alice slightly shook her head before they entered the living room. "Mom, Dad. I'm back."

"FP." Cassandra said as she stood up, she was just about to walk to FP and hug him before she saw the way he was holding hands with Alice. "What is this?"

"Don't tell us that you two are together." Alexander added and FP nodded. He was smiling, he was confident, but Alice wasn't, she was tense, being around his parents only brought back terrible memories and Alice knew that however long they stayed it would seem ten times longer to her.

"We are. Alice and I are a couple." FP smiled even wider and he brought Alice's hand to his lips and kissed it. "So I expect she's not treated badly here or else I'll find myself having to leave." FP was so formal, yet there were so many feelings in his words Alice thought his parents felt compelled to agree with her being there.

"You always have ways of surprising us." Cassandra said forcing a smile. "But you're our son, so what else can we say."

"Are you serious Cassandra?" Alexander asked and he took a moment to look at Alice. He remembered those moments he shared with her and he regreted them to this day.

"I am Alexander." Cassandra briefly looked at her husband. "Why don't you two talk while I show our guest around?" Cassandra suggested and FP fell for it like a fool. He let his mother go and 'show' Alice around.

They were upstairs in a bedroom when Cassandra closed the door behind them and stared Alice down. "Care to explain what you did to my son? Some potion maybe?"

"What are you talking about?" Alice asked as she looked around for a moment before turning all of her attention to Cassandra. She wanted to see if she could figure out whose bedroom was it since Cassandra didn't say a word, but it had nothing personal in it so Alice assumed it was for guests.

"Why is my son involved with you? It certainly has nothing to do with free will because if it had he would've never chosen you." Cassandra said without hesitation and Alice felt as if ahe punched her right in the stomach, but she didn't let it show, Cassandra would've loved to know she hurt her, but Alice didn't plan on giving her that satisfaction.

"Well he did choose me and so did your perfect husband five years ago. So why don't you get used to the fact that if I want them, they can both be mine." Alice said in the coldest way possible. She would've never tried to take Alexander from Cassandra again, not in a million years, but FP was hers and she was his just as much.

"I wouldn't be so sure about it." Cassandra was enraged by Alice's statement. "Once FP becomes human he won't want anything to do with you and I'll make sure he never has to talk to you, see you or hear from you ever again."

"Good luck with that Cassandra. He loves me." Alice said confidently. "You may be his mom, but you're for a few years, I'm forever."

"Once he's human you won't be forever. We both know that." Cassandra stepped closer to Alice in a aggressive way. "He'll want a normal life, with a normal wife, having normal children, being happy. You can't give him any of this and he'll resent you for it. I can't wait for this to happen."

"It won't." Alice sounded just as sure as before, but her confidence was definitely shaken because ever since the beginning, a part of her was scared of that. However, she didn't tell FP, she barely admitted it to herself. "I can guarantee you it won't."

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