Chapter 41

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FP eventually stood up and Alice took his example. "What's next?" She asked FP softly and he sighed loudly. 

"I need to talk to them, just me and them." FP added and Alice nodded her head. If it was what he wanted she was going to give him exactly that. "Can you have them stuck on the couch or something for me? I just want to get it over with."

"Sure." Alice slightly smiled. She squeezed FP's arm gently and in the blink of an eye he was gone.

FP was on the armchair in the living room and both his parents were on the couch in front of him. They were going to have the serious talk they so desperately had to have. "Are you still drunk?" FP asked his father and he shook his head. "This must be a bonus from Alice." He whispered under his breath knowing that without her magic there was no way his father could've been sober. 

"I was just, how did I-"

"Alice, she made it in such a way so we could talk without you having the chance to storm out." FP informed his parents and in an obvious way they tried to get up from the couch and walk away, but they were incapable of doing so. "I know Alice didn't sleep with you Dad."

"She did what? Again?" Cassandra asked seeming pretty convincing at first, but FP wasn't buying it, not anymore. 

"Cut the crap Mom, I know the truth." FP said firmly and Cassandra looked surprised because of his words and his tone. "I'm not a child anymore, I haven't been one for years, but finally with Alice's help I know what's going on." But FP knew from before, he just wasn't strong enough to admit it to himself. 

"What has she done to you? Did she cast some evil spell on you? I knew she couldn't be trusted!" Cassandra looked at Alexander waiting for him to back her up.

"Do you believe her and not your own father, son?" Alexander rarely used his wife's tactics when it came to convincing FP to do something, but when he did it broke FP because he thought that he had at least his father to count on about telling the truth. 

"Are you lying to your own son Father?" FP asked and Alexander looked as if FP had just punched him in the face but he was right. "You've made me hate myself, the both of you!"

"How could we? We love you F-"

"No, you've used me as a project, I was and am charity for you!" FP cut off his mother and she was taken aback by his reactions, even as a teenager he was never against them, especially when it came to their decisions. "I get it, you wanted a normal son, that's fine. But you could've just let me go when you realised who I actually was. You hated that you couldn't control my turning the way you controlled everything else about me."


"Yes, you did!" FP said louder as he stood up. He saw the uncomfortable look in his father's eyes, the pain in his mother's, but what he was telling them was the truth. "You hate that part of me that's a werewolf! Say it! I know you do, I know you-"

"Yes, we do!" Cassandra finally burst out and FP swallowed hard before he spoke again. "But you can be nor-"

"This is me and I love it!" FP said sure of himself. "I'm learning to love myself the way I am, I needed this, so desperately and you should've taught me this! You should've been the ones telling me that I'm perfect the way I am, that I'm not a monster.  But it was Alice. The woman you tortured, she is broken and she manages to put me together now when she's not even whole. This is love, but you wouldn't know anything about it, would you?"


"Fix your problems, then come to me. Until then I don't want to see either of you!" FP shook his head and walked away despite his parents' pleas to stay.

Alice was still upstairs and FP went there. She was looking out the window when he entered the room and had headphones on. He walked behind her and put his hands on her arms. Alice turned her head slightly and saw him. She stopped the music and threw her phone and headphones on the bed. "I didn't want to eavesdrop so I used those."

"That's nice of you." FP flipped her hair to her right side and placed a long kiss on her neck then he rested his head on her shoulder. "We're leaving this house today. We can go anywhere, just the two of us."

"What about Chunhua Bei?" Alice asked and FP told her there was no need for that anymore. "But can we leave that guy there? I'd really like to meet her and talk for a while."

"Whatever you want Alice." FP said and Alice smiled even though he couldn't see it. She didn't think she should ask just yet about the conversation with his parents. As calm as he wanted to seem he wasn't doing well, he was shaken. 

"Do you wanna learn more about werewolves? They're said to be originally from London, we can go there and find out more." Alice turned in his embrace and FP nodded. "Great, I have a friend there, he can show us around, tell us more about werewolves, ok?"

"It would be great love."

Broken Love // A Falice StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя