Chapter 1

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For twenty five years being a hybrid hasn't been a wow thing for Alice. She didn't care and neither did her supernatural friends around her. That until one day they were taken away one by one, without a trace. They just disappeared, their friends and family devasted. Then it was just Alice. Her parents were beyond worried for her safety, but she didn't care much about it. All she cared about was getting her friends back.

However, that didn't happen. Instead one day she was taken, she didn't even remember from when or by whom, she just knew she was. Alice woke up in a white room, no windows and just a bed in the middle of the room. "What the hell?" Alice stood up from her bed and started banging on the door. When it didn't open she tried opening it with her magic, however, that didn't work either.

Alice tried using her speed as a vampire and run through the door, but all she did was hir herself onto it and fall to the ground. "Where am I?" Alice whispered to herself. She was freaking out, her powers were supposed to work. 

As if to answer her damands someone entered the room shortly after and Alice stopped pacing to look at him. "Where the hell am I? Who the fuck are you? And why won't my powers work?"

"You're at SAC "Studying Abnormal Creatures" Organisation. I am Mark. Your powers won't work because of that." He pointed at her ankle. She had some sort of large bracelet. Alice was surprised she didn't notice it since it was rather big. "We don't want you killing us."

"What?" Alice raised her eyebrows. "You abducted me!" She rushed towards him in an attempt to hit him, but she felt a shock going through her whole body and she collapsed on the floor.

"That-" Mark said pointing again at the bracelet. "-sends shocks through your body and everyone elses who wears one if you do something to upset me or if you try to enter the passcode and take it off. So unless you're ready to shock all those two hundred and seventy five people in the other rooms I suggest you behave."

"Why?" Alice asked looking up without standing.

"You're not normal, we're working towards that normality-"

"We are normal!" Alice said offended by his words. She never thought of herself as anything, but normal.

"You are the least normal." Mark said and turned around to leave.

"I won't do anything you want me to. I'd rather die." Alice informed him. She didn't plan on losing herself just because some stupid organisation thought she wasn't normal.

"I'm not so sure about your parents." Mark said and left the room leaving Alice freaking out about what his words meant. She had absolutely no idea how she ended up there and she assumed her friends were there too, but there was no way she could leave that room.

Hours passed and Alice was still pacing around the room nervously. She had absolutely no idea what was going to happen. "Abnormal!" Alice scoffed. "Fucking asshole."

The door unlocked and it opened revealing a man and a woman, not Mark. "Who are you?" Alice growled at them.

"I am Cassandra Jones and this is my husband Alexander." She smiled widely at Alice and if she could still use her power she would've transported them to Venus.

"We've been informed you're quite special." Alexander said as he let the door close behind them. "Work with us and everything will be fine."

"I'd rather die!" Alice said firmly and Cassandra chuckled a bit.

"Oh honey, we're not gonna kill you." Cassandra schook her head. "No no no. But I can't say the same about hurting your parents. You love them very much don't you?"

Alice chuckled as she stepped closer to Cassandra. She took a swing at her, but before being able to do something else a shock went through her whole body. "Powers or no powers you can't take me down."

"I already did." Cassandra held up a remote and Alice just glared at her. She would've gotten up from the floor, but she didn't feel like she was able to do that. "Talk to her, if you can't convince her I won't be gentle with Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

"You bit-"

"I'll handle her." Alexander said and Alice was silent until Cassandra left.

"Your wife's a bitch." Alice tried getting up, but she needed a bit of help, so Alexander helped her up onto  the bed.

"She's only trying to do the good thing for us." Alexander said and Alice raised her eyebrows.

"Are you a vampire or-"

"Oh no." Alexander said slightly shaking his head. "Our son. We're trying to find a way to get him to be normal."

"Whatever he is, he is normal. This is our normal!" Alice said in a loud voice despite having calmed down a little bit after Cassandra's leaving. "Most of us aren't hurting anyone."

"He's wanted to be normal ever since he was little, to not have to turn into a werewolf once a month. So we're trying to do that." Alexander said and Alice sighed.

"Why take me then? I'm not a werewolf." Alice pointed out and Alexander sat down on the opposite side of her bed.

"You're the most powerful creature we've encount-"

"Creature?" Alice asked offended once again and he sighed. "Don't you do that! You can't seem offended when you're the one calling me 'abnormal' and a 'creature', leave me alone."

"Your parents are here." Alexander said in all seriousness and Alice straightened her back. "And she will hurt them if you don't cooperate."

"Show me. I want to know for sure that they're here." Alice demanded. "I'm not taking your word."

"I will, but after that you'll have to tell me everything that I need to know about hybrids." Alexander said and Alice nodded.

"Hybrid, it's just me." Alice informed Alexander as she stood up. "We'll discuss whatever you want after I'm sure my parents are well."

"We have a deal."

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I'm really excited about this story so far. Let me know what you think.❤️

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