Chapter 69

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Alice ignored FP completely until Jace got back and FP decided to leave her alone for just a little while so she could adjust with the idea that he was back. Alice spent all the time until her boyfriend came watching FP when he wasn't watching her. They were so close yet so far away from each other.

Alice noticed his beard the moment he came in, it looked good on him there was no way she could deny that no matter how much she wanted to. For a moment she just wanted to throw something at him and the second she was lifting a plate Jace entered the house and she set it down.

Jace came in with some paper bags and Alice smiled knowing he was bringing food. She helped him take it to the kitchen where they were alone. "Should I have left you and FP more time?"

"No." Alice answered a bit too fast, but Jace didn't notice. "It's fine, I was actually hungry. Thank you." She forced a smile and he didn't notice that either. He was so oblivious to everything that made Alice herself and to each and every one of her actions. But at the same time he seemed so interested in her. Alice didn't know how that could be possible, but it was for the simple fact that Jace didn't know the real Alice, he knew the one she had been showing him.

"My pleasure." Jace smiled widely. He leaned in and kissed Alice on the lips before he stepped back with all the bags in his hands. "I'll go set it on the dining table. You get your brother."

"Sure." Alice nodded and without a smile on her face or any emotion at all she walked to the living room where FP was. "Dinner's here."

"Good thing, I was starving." FP stood up and turned off the TV as he walked towards the dining table. Alice stopped him before they were too close to Jace, she also made sure to cover their words with her magic so Jace couldn't hear them.

"Leave, as soon as possible, tomorrow, but leave." Alice looked angry. She wanted to seem angry even though she felt the need to curl into a ball and cry until everything would be gone and she would turn into her tears and fade away. But that was impossible.

"I can't leave my sister, besides, I'm probably gonna get a job here. You know, I need the money." FP said taking his role seriously and Alice hated that he could be so calm in that situation, she certainly wasn't. But she wasn't the one that created the situation. "And until then I won't be able to get a place so I'll be bothering you. Sorry."

"Sorry my ass." Alice muttered under her breath. FP just smiled at her. He grabbed her arm and slightly turned her. Alice did what he guided her too because she had no idea what he wanted and she was taken by surprise.

"I don't get it, you don't have a sorry ass. Your ass looks beyond amazing." FP stared at it for  a moment until Alice turned back around so he couldn't anymore.

"Stop it or I will make you regret this." Alice stated firmly. But she had no idea what her plan was. She wanted to make FP regret everything, but there was nothing she had in mind that could start making him feel bad about leaving, except the fact that he lost her to Jace.

"Go big baby, I can't wait to win you back." FP smiled at her and he walked away before she had the chance to say anything else.

During dinner they talked again but it was all shallow talk. Whatever FP said about 'their parents' Alice went with it and Jace listened carefully, happy that he was finding out more things about Alice. But Alice's mind was somewhere else. She was thinking of ways to hurt FP the way he hurt her. All she could think of involved Jace and she knew it would've been selfish if she got him into that mess. But he was immortal, he would've had all the time in the world to get over it.

So after dinner and some more time together Alice and Jace headed to their bedroom which was right across from FP's. The moment they entered Alice started taking off her clothes. Jace looked at her surprised, it was the last thing he expected. "Now?"

"I've been wanting you all day Jace." Alice smiled seductively. It was a game to her and FP. They were playing a game with no rules and Jace was a part of it whether he wanted or not and whether he knew it or not.

"I'll rock your world babygirl." He said with a smirk on his face and it took everything in Alice not to show how disappointed she was because she knew Jace and no other man after FP made her feel the way she did. And with him in the next room she couldn't help but think about it.

"Oh yes Jace."

Broken Love // A Falice StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz