Chapter 35

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Alice cooked dinner that night, well she didn't really cook, she just snapped her fingers and made it appear on the table. Cassandra was the first to walk into the dinning room and Alice stopped her before she sat. "Can I ask you something?"

"What?" Cassandra raised her eyebrows. She didn't get as far as to loving Alice, but she tolerated her presence and it was enough for the moment being especially since Alice didn't have her close to her heart either.

"How do I talk to FP about his feelings without him being an asshole?" Alice asked hoping her words wouldn't offend Cassandra and to her surprise the woman laughed. "I'm glad you think I'm funny."

"My son talking about his feelings?" Cassandra asked now in a more serious note. "He rarely does that, you've got to read him yourself."

"Well I have, I just want to get to the bottom of everything so I can help him." Alice said as she leaned against the wall behind her and Cassandra shrugged her shoulders.

"Being normal will help him." She said simply and Alice rolled her eyes. "Fine, being human, whatever you think the term is."

"He just wants to not be a werewolf because he blames himself for Doug's death. FP wants to be human so he doesn't have to bear the thought of putting his best friend in a coma for eternity-"

"I think my life shouldn't be the main gossip topic in this house. Or anywhere else for that matter." FP said as he entered the dinning room since he had heard most of their conversation.

"Well if you actually really opened up we wouldn't have to talk about you behind your back." Alice shot back and Cassandra felt as if she shouldn't be there. She had been tired for a while, things were stressful for her and in that moment her stomach was hurting badly so she slowly, but surely made her way out of the room.

"Having me open up isn't your problem." FP said firmly as he moved out of his mother's way. "Never was, never will be. I'm fine, I don't need your help."

"Yes you do! I love you and I want to help you because of it." Alice wanted FP to be able to talk freely about his feelings and just be himself around her, but at all times, not when he just felt like it so he could go back to closing his heart.

"Don't! Stop trying to help me!" FP ordered Alice, but she wasn't going to listen.

"I won't!" Alice raised her voice slightly. "I love you so I won't stop trying to help you. No matter how much you ask."

"Then just stop loving me!" FP said and Alice rolled her eyes.

"Have you watched too much The Vampire Diaries?" Alice asked FP and he frowned for a second. She knew he watched it and after a moment he realised what had just happened and he couldn't help it as a small smile spread across his face, but only for a moment. "Seriously now-"

"Seriously." FP laughed and Alice had to too. Caroline's iconic line. "What's the point? I'll grow old and you won't."

"Unless you decide to not stop being a werewolf." Alice said in a lower voice and FP sighed. He knew how much he wanted that, but his life to him didn't seem worth living for more than another few years.


"Just give me some time. We'll keep having that man wait for Chunhua Bai, but in the meantime I'll show you the perks-"

"Of being a werewolf?" FP cut her off. "You're a witch, a vampire, but not a werewolf. How can you teach that?"

"Give me this chance, please." Alice took his hands in hers. She knew exactly what she had to do first, but she needed him to be on board because if he wasn't then he was a lost cause. "I promise you that if I can't make you love this life I'll give up. I'll do my best to make you a boring human being and I won't complain about it."

"You're crazy." FP shook his head. He let out a sigh. He knew she couldn't do it, he was a hundred percent sure she couldn't change his mind, but he decided to agree with her idea. Because that way it would mean she would stop trying to make him feel differently. "How much time?"

"A month." Alice saw how bummed FP was about it. He wanted much less, he was ready to offer her a week maybe two. But Alice needed more, even more than a month, but she chose the safest amount of time she thought FP would agree with. "Just a month. Come on, but you've got to do all I say, no holding back. Nothing illegal, I promise."

"Where's the fun then?" FP raised his eyebrows.

"Well maybe some illegal things too."

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