Chapter 65

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After he checked on his mother, FP went to the gallery and through the window he saw the live of his life laid down on the operating table, open with doctors trying to get all the glass pieces out of her torn body. "Hosley, need a hand?" FP tried to keep it together but he could hear himself and his shaky voice showed he was in no position to help anyone with anything.

"We're good here Jones." The doctor said in his calmest voice, but FP could feel the stress in it. "Why don't you get something to eat, huh?"

"That bad?" FP asked feeling his throat empty as his body in irony filled with pain.

"And worse." Hosley answered truthfully. "Spleen, gone, ribs broken, lungs punctured and more. If she survives this she's the luckiest out there."

"Fuck!" FP exclaimed as he turned his back to the window.

"What Jones? Nothing happened." Hasley said knowing that he or anyone else on his team had done anything wrong.

"Her parents, I gotta get Alice's parents here." FP rushed outside and started panicking not knowing where her phone was or how he could get in touch with her parents.

Cassandra, who was waiting outside of the operating room saw FP panick and she walked up to him. "What happened? Is she ok?"

"Her parents, I need to call them." FP reached for his phone, but he didn't have the number so he put it back. "Mom-"

"I got it." Cassandra said trying to calm him down. "FP, I got it!" She said in a more firm manner seeing he was still shaking. "Maybe you shouldn't go back in there." Cassandra suggested, but FP had no idea what he was actually supposed to do because nothing he would do was going to help Alice.

"I have to go Mom, I-"

"You can't go. I can't say that I adore Alice, but if anything happens, no matter good or bad, you have to be here." Cassandra insisted because she knew she'd loathe herself if she were in the same situation and she left.

FP took a few deep breaths, but it didn't help, if anything he only felt worse. The world started spinning and his head felt incredibly heavy, his legs gave in and the next moment he fell unconscious onto the floor.

"Oh my god!" His mother yelled as she dropped to her knees close to him and called for help. Luckily somebody stepped in almost immediately and FP was soon taken into a hospital room and professionals were making sure he was all right.

FP was sedated and fed through an IV for a few hours and by the time he woke up both his mother and father were inside the room he had been taken to earlier. "What happened?" It took FP a moment to remember what had happened, but he did it before his parents had the chance to say a word. "Alice? How's Alice?"

"Her doctor said she should be fine." Cassandra said wanting to calm her son down. "Did you hear me?" She asked when he didn't speak for a while. "FP, do I need to get a doctor in here, do I-"

"No, I heard you Mom." FP stared right through her, at the wall. He closed his eyes and stood still for about a minute which seemed much longer at the moment. "She's ok, you're ok, still, something feels off."

"What something? You're saying it as if you know what." Cassandra insisted on him giving her an answer when he remained silent and eventually, convinced by his mother, FP opened his eyes and answered.

"Me, I'm off." After a short pause he continued. "I do all types of things and I make sacrifices for you, then I started doing stuff for Alice and for every person that's been under my scalpel and for my friends. I haven't done much for me, I don't know what's going on with me so how can I make such decisions as this one, wanting to live forever or not when I don't really know myself?"

Silence was dominating the room. Cassandra and Alexander had no idea what to say, it was a shock for them to hear FP talk that way. But eventually and obviously Cassandra spoke. "So what does this mean?"

"I need to be away from everything and everyone for a while." FP was glad his mother asked him otherwise he would've found it hard to say what he planned on doing. "We're still gonna talk, you're my parents."

"And Alice?" It was the first time Alexander spoke since FP saw him in the room.

"What about Alice?" As the words made their way out of FP's mouth he felt a heavy pain in his chest.

"Aren't you two gonna speak when you're away?" Alexander asked the question more explicitly even though FP knew exactly what he meant.

"I doubt it."

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So I got home from camp today and I needed to update this story so here it is. Hope you like it!❤️

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Broken Love // A Falice StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt