Chapter 37

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Alice walked with FP into the woods. The moon was up, but it had no relevance, he could turn whenever he wanted. "Are you ready?" FP asked Alice even though he was the nervous one. He didn't want Alice to see him turn.

"Yes." Alice nodded. She gave FP  small smile and he took a deep breath. 

"I usually take off my clothes and put them-"

"I'm staying till the end, I can make some appear on you when you're done." Alice assured FP and he nodded. He gave Alice another long look before he turned his back on her.

Usually the process of turning would've been painful if a werewolf didn't know how to control themselves or if they wanted to keep that side of them in for too long, but FP was turning regularly so he didn't experience any pain.

Alice watched him closely as his clothes were ripped on him and they fell on the ground. Hair covered his whole body and in less than a minute FP was in his other form. The one he was so desperately scared of. The moment he was fully in his werewolf form FP turned and Alice finally saw his face. It was the eyes that made her know he wouldn't hurt her.

FP saw Alice standing there as if he didn't just turn into a beast. He was surprised that there was no change when it came to the look on her face. She was exactly the same, relaxed and that gave him hope that he could actually control himself. Slowly he walked towards her, she didn't step back, she stood still so FP growled.

"I'm not scared of you." Alice simply said as FP stopped in front of her. Two more steps and he would've touched her. "You know, even as a werewolf you're cute."

FP made a sound which to him meant he was laughing and Alice seemed to have understood that because she laughed lightly. "So what are we gonna do two hours? Show me around or something."

And for the next two and a half hours FP did exactly that. He showed Alice around and listened to her talk about everything she found interesting, starting with some kids she met in therapy, then TV shows, actors and actresses, books and music, he thought he found out everything about her. Every once in a while she would ask FP about himself forgetting that he couldn't talk in that form.

When he turned back Alice made sure he had clothes on. He turned to face her and she smiled. He seemed genuinely surprised and happy. "See, I told you you wouldn't hurt me."

FP rushed to her and Alice was surprised by his reaction. She was even more surprised when he picked her up and spun around with her before letting her finally touch the ground again. "What was that?" Alice chuckled as she leaned back, she kept her hands on his arms and smiled.

"You knew how much of a difference it would make, didn't you?" FP asked Alice and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I just hoped it would be big, hopefully big enough to restore all of your self-trust." Alice said genuinely hoping that it was all it took for FP to chose to stay with her forever, but by the look on his face she knew it wasn't so easy. "But let's not worry about that yet."

"Good idea." FP knew why she said that last bit, but he was glad she did because that way he didn't have to be the one to say it out loud and ruin it for her. "Because you're you, I might've hurt if it was somebody else with me."

"You wouldn't have, but we shouldn't talk about it yet because I feel like it would start an argument and right now I just want to enjoy this small win." Alice was tired, she would've been asleep for quite a while if it weren't for their long walk and chat (well more on Alice's side). 

"Whatever you want baby." FP took a step closer to Alice and pressed a kiss on top of her head. "Are we teleporting or walking home?"

"I don't know." Alice sighed as she wrapped her arms tightly around FP and rested her head on his chest. "This feels so good, I don't want it to end."

"Alice?" FP just held her for a while because she didn't say anything and soon he could hear her quiet sobs and felt her body slightly shake. "Alice, baby, what happened?" FP grabbed her by her arms and gently pushed her away so he could see her face. "Hey?"

"Nothing, nothing." But it wasn't nothing and they both knew it. 

"If I have to talk about myself and do this you do too, come on." FP joked and Alice smiled at him, her smile was genuine, but so were her tears. "What's wrong?"

"When I was little, I was so scared of dogs and my parents, they saw this stray dog and wanted to adopt it. This reminded me of them, sorry." Alice wiped away her tears.

"You don't have to be sorry about it." FP pulled her to his chest again and she was glad he did so. "You miss them, that's normal. I'm sorry they're not here with us." He felt responsible for their deaths and also many others, so did Alice. 

"Me too."

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