Chapter 9

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Alice felt the bracelet wrapped around her ankle as FP straightened his back and she checked it before looking at him in disbelief. "I thought you weren't working with them." Alice whispered under her breath. FP placing that stupid thing around her ankle was the last thing she expected.

"Well I am." FP couldn't even look at her. His heart would break if he did. She sounded horrible, she was barely standing and it was all on him.

"So you know? You know what they made me do? You know what I had to do in order to get out and you still did this?" Alice pulled onto his coat, she wanted him to look at her. "Look at me!" Alice yelled and FP did just because he was scared if she yelled again she'd break, but it was too late, she was already broken. "You made me fall in love with you-"

"You did the same to me." FP pointed out. He was speaking quietly in hopes Alice would do the same, but she didn't.

"But I never meant to hurt you." Alice said breathing heavily and FP told her that he didn't want that either. "Except that you knew what they'd do if they found me again. Didn't you?"

"I just want to be normal and you can help me." FP said in the most innocent voice. All his life he hated being a werewolf since he was the only one in his family and in his friends group. He didn't want to turn once a month, he didn't want to have to control himself from killing people, he just wanted to be human.

"Normal normal normal! You are normal! You're fucking normal! I don't know why you can't grasp that, it isn't that hard!" Alice threw herself backwards onto the couch. "But you know what? I don't care. You'll take me to Riverdale soon and I'll be trapped in that stupid white room for years. Life's good."


"No! You don't get to say anything because I was the one that spent five terrible years in there. And now what? I had a three month long break and I'll be back there tomorrow." Alice was crying loudly, she couldn't stop and FP could barely understand her words. "So thanks."

"You could just work with us and it'll be better for you." FP said and Alice shook her head without talking. She couldn't find her words and even if she could've she wouldn't have had the strength to talk anymore. "I'm sorry, but I need this."

Alice was quiet, but she didn't forget that. It was later that night that they were both in his car. Alice tried running once, but FP didn't let her. Then they found themselves in his car and Alice stopped crying. She forced herself to stop crying because her eyes were all red and puffy and if she cried she'd start sobbing and it'd be hard to breathe. "You need this."

"What?" FP turned his head for only one second to look at her, then he looked at the road.

"You need to be normal, but what about me?" Alice asked as she rolled her eyes as she said the emphasised word. "You can live as a werewolf, but this, this ruined me and it's gonna get worse."

"Only for a little while-"

"I spent five years killing more people than I probably ever met and you're telling me it's only for a little while?" Alice couldn't help it as her eyes started watering. "Next time that bracelet's off I'm gone. You'll never see me again."

"Ali please-"

"Don't you ever call me that!" Alice said firmly. She almost even yelled, hearing that nickname coming out of his mouth after he had the audacity to kidnap her knowing what would happen to her.

"What were you gonna do to get revenge at my parents? Because if you wanted them dead you would've killed them." FP wanted her to hear him out because she wasn't better than him. "But you didn't. You wanted to hurt them through me so you would've hurt me! Don't even try to pretend you wouldn't have."

"Can you blame me? They fucked with my life. They kidnaped me and used me!" Alice told FP and he remained silent. "By the way, did you know your dad cheated on your mom?" Alice asked.

"What?" FP asked, his eyes wide.

"Yeah, five years ago. All it took was a little attention for me." Saying that didn't make Alice feel better, but it would at least hurt FP a little bit so he could feel some of her pain. "I can't lie he's not the best in bed. But I fucked your dad FP."

"You're lying." FP said sure of himself and Alice rolled her eyes as she looked away from him and out the window.

"Ask him." Alice whispered. "Maybe if Cassandra finds out I'll be out of your stupid experiment."

"Not an experiment, it'll work for-"

"It won't. I can't absorb your energy without killing you and I can't kill you." Alice said a bit louder. "I've already killed my parents. That pain...god." A chill went through Alice's whole body. "I can't do that again. My love for you is stronger than the pain I've felt after killing them. But it doesn't matter, does it? I'm just something you use in order to be whatever you want to be. Cassandra will probably kill me after I stop being useful, especially if she finds out about Alexander and I."

Broken Love // A Falice Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें