Chapter 38

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Alice sighed as she pulled away from FP. There was another thing she definitely had to do in order to be with him forever and that was having a normal relationship with his parents. "I need to talk to Alexander and Cassandra."

"Why?" FP frowned, those were the last words he expected to hear from Alice.

"I just need to. I'm not gonna insult them or anything, don't worry." Alice didn't want to seem mean. Her voice was calm and relaxed. She thought that maybe if she could understand them and learn something more about them she could have a better relationship with them for FP's sake. 

"Secret?" FP smiled at Alice and she simply nodded. She didn't want to get into details.

So the next day FP had set for the three people he loved the most in the world a meeting. The meeting happened at Pop's, the best diner in a Riverdale. That way he knew his parents wouldn't cause a scene no matter what.

They were sitting at a booth in a corner having coffee and Alice was the first to talk. "First of all, I wanted to apologise." She knew she had to be the bigger person if she wanted the slightest chance of making FP's parents to forgive her. "More exactly apologise for sleeping with you, with Alexander."

"You mean for seducing him?" Cassandra asked and Alice admitted to that only because otherwise Cassandra would've probably stormed out.

"Yes, I'm sorry for that." Alice nodded. "And I wanted to meet with you today to talk about FP."

"Talk what about FP?" Cassandra crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back. "You know that whatever it is between you two is not for ever, right?"

"No, I choose to think and hope that it is. Don't you want your son to live for as long as possible as happy as possible?" Alice asked trying to appeal to their emotions, their love for their son. She hoped that way she could get them on her side. 

"Are you calling me a bad mother now?" Cassandra asked in a defensive way and Alice sighed.

"She just asked us a question Cassandra." Alexander pointed out and Cassandra turned to look at him. She raised her eyebrows.

"Why are you taking her side? Knowing you two, you must be sleeping together again." Cassandra said without any emotion in her voice and Alice rolled her eyes, there was no getting to her so she decided to talk to Alexander in hopes that he'd listen and that he'd understand her. 

"I love him. Despite everything I love him so much it hurts. I see him when he's insecure, when he's sad, when he doubts everything and everyone. Sometimes I feel as if he thinks he doesn't deserve to be loved. I don't know exactly what happened with that other woman, but I can tell he hurt her. I'm not trying to fix him. Everybody has their own issues, I just want him to accept himself for who he is, he doesn't need to be perfect, he just has to be true and accept himself." Alice took a deep breath before she continued. "And for that I need you to accept me. I can forgive you for everything you did to me because I want him to be happy. Please help me, please accept me so I can help your son believe in himself and be happy."

There was a long pause in the conversation. Alexander looked at Cassandra the whole time. He was visibly touched by her words and Alice hoped Cassandra was too because FP loved his mother and her words meant the world to him. "Give us a minute." Cassandra ordered Alice and she didn't expect a 'no' as an answer. So Alice stood up and went to the bathroom because she didn't want to be in the room while they talked, even though it was full of other people. She could've eavesdropped, it wouldn't have been hard for her, but she decided against it.

"She's genuine, we should give her the chance to try and help FP." Alexander told Cassandra almost immediately and she rolled her eyes. "What?"

"You've been sleeping around for more years than I can count on my fingers, I know that." Cassandra finally admitted that to Alexander too. He loved her and only her, she knew that, but she also knew that he was sleeping around often, but never twice with the same woman.


"You need to sleep with her again. We need to break them up for good and this is the best way." Cassandra cut off her husband and he looked at her in shock. "Are you deaf in one ear or what? Are you stupid? Do you understand what I said?"

"I do, but-"

"No 'buts', if you managed to do this our son will finally be normal, we'll have grandchildren, we'll finally be relieved and happy." Cassandra's words were imprinted on his mind. She was right, but would that make their son happy? He wasn't sure. "Do you understand? You're doing this."

"She won't ever do it again." Alexander pointed out. Even if he tried he knew Alice wouldn't fall for it. 

"Then we'll make it seem as if she did."

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