Chapter 19

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When they arrived back home FP offered to cook or order something for them to eat, but Alice refused. She wasn't hungry, however, she needed some blood for the vampire half of her, but she figured she'd talk to FP about it the next day. "The truth now."

"The truth." FP rreleated after Alice as he sat on the table in the living room, right in front of her. It kind of annoyed Alice that he didn't sit on the couch, but she didn't say anything about it.

"Is Regina really safe?" Alice let it go the first time, not because she fully believed FP, but because she was scared of the truth.

"She's still at the organisation, but she's alive." FP said and Alice shook her head in disappointment, she had still hoped that he didn't lie to her about Regina. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not sure these words mean something when they're coming from you." Alice rolled her eyes and looked away from him, but just for a few moments. "Why do you want to be human?"

"I don't wanna tell you that now." It was FP's turn to look away. "It's personal."

"So?" Alice shrugged her shoulders. "This-" she gestured between the two of them - "-whatever this is has been personal since the very beginning."

"I'm just not ready." FP sounded like a little boy and Alice decided to let it go for the moment. "Just the way you're not ready to tell me why I can't call you that nickname."

"Dad used to call me that." Alice wanted to prove him that she was bracer than him even though she was the one that could collapse at any time. "He hadn't in years and then that day, the day I kill-"

"It's ok, you don't have-"

"Why?" Alice asked FP sounding all innocent. "You don't wanna hear what I had to do to get away from your parents? Does it make you feel bad?"

"Alice don't." FP said in all seriousnees and Alice rolled her eyes once more that night. She wasn't out in the cold breeze, she was inside and despiste how serious she sounded she had still had a few drinks and the idea of sleeping with Alex managed to get her a little bit excited. She closed her eyes for a moment remembering the way he looked. "What are you smiling about?"

"Alex." Alice didn't hesitate to answer FP's question, especially since she knew that he considered himself a god in bed and he might've been, but Alice knew how to hurt his ego about it. "I could've had the night of my life and you had to ruin that." It was fascinating how the mood changed, it was night, she was tipsy and her words were making FP angry, she knew that, she wanted that. If she couldn't be with anyone else she might as well use FP to satisfy her needs.

"Nobody can ever do to you what I can." FP stood up and hovered over Alice. "The way your breath accelerates,-" FP leaned down "-your eyes rolling back, your moans,-" he wrapped one of his hands around Alice's neck and noticed how hard she tried not to show that she wanted him "-your legs shaking uncontrollably. Talking about legs...spread them." He whispered in her ear and Alice was quick to do as told.

"Good girl." FP smiled. He was getting hard himself, but he wanted to tease Alice first, give her the best night of her life. He moved his other hand between her legs, never letting go of her neck. FP started rubbing circles around her clit through her panties and soon Alice started moaning. "You're mine." FP growled. "Right?"

"Huh?" Alice asked, pretending she didn't hear him. It annoyed him, she knew that, but she also knew he liked it, he adored playing and she did too.

"Whose cunt is this?" FP asked totally surprising Alice. They had never really used words like that while having sex, it wasn't bad, she actually liked it, turned her on even more, but she was still surprised. "Whose is it?"

"Yours." Alice whispered knowing that was what he wanted to hear, however he moved his hand away from hid wetness.

"My what?" FP asked and Alice blushed. No feelings Alice would've been nicer there since she would've never blushed, but little did Alice know that FP liked that about her. Knowing he could make her cheeks turn red only with a few words felt like a superpower he had always wanted to have. "My what Alice?"

"Your cunt." Alice said in one breath, quietly and FP let out a chuckle before ripping off her panties. Alice gasped when she felt two of his cold fingers inside of her.

"Fuck!" Alice let out when FP pushed as deep as he could and started doing it faster and faster.

"You wish. It's gonna be a long night for you baby." FP pulled out his fingers leaving Alice feeling empty. He then grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. "Nice bra, off with it." FP said as he undid it himself since it was one of those that were done in the front not the back.

"How about your clothes?" Alice asked right before FP was about to take off his shirt. But that question coming from her gave him an idea as to how to tease her even more.

"Why? I can make you cum with my fingers or mouth. I don't need to get undressed." FP said sounding like an adult explaining the most basic things to a child and he saw the look in Alice's face. She wanted to ask for his clothes to be off. "What do you wanna see?"

"You, of-"

"What exactly?" FP asked raising his eyebrows and Alice took a deep breath.

"You uhm...your abs maybe and uhm, uhm, your, your cock." Alice closed her eyes for a moment, feeling her cheeks burning.

FP smirked, she was shy when it came to words. He wondered how shy she'd be in a restaurant or cinema or wherever now that she had her feelings. But that was a question he planned on getting the answer to. "Let's give you what you want then."

Broken Love // A Falice Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن