so mexican parties

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so uh, this one is somewhat self explanatory.
since a lot of the states use to be under Spain's rule, I just felt like putting them into the categories of what they would be doing a Mexican party.
Because if your Mexican or any type of Latino, you know our parties get turnt.
And if you're not, you'll catch onto the gist of them after this chapter


Those types of uncles who talk about whatever uncles talk for about half the party, and get hella drunk the other have of the time. Like- insanely drunk
Homeboy probably also joined the drunk aunts still dancing at 1am

The little kid who was told that they would go home like 4 hours ago. He's just sleepy bruh

Spent his time both playing tag with the little kids and getting just as plaster as Texas. Also joined the drunk tias in the dance circle

New Mexico:
The bitch who never stopped dancing since he got to the party. He took one break to eat and went back to dancing. And by god is he good at it

Is part of the group of aunts gossiping in the corner about family drama. He doesn't even talk about the other states, he just sits there and listens to them and replies with things like ":O apoco?"
Occasionally he'll wonder outside to somewhat get away from the loud music and ohmygodhowdidthekidsflipovertheboucehouse?-

Helped the kids flip over the bouncy house.
Also let's the little kids beat him in a fight inside the bounce house.

That one hoe doing their Facebook live.

Joined the teens to go do whatever secret teen stuff they do.
(for reference, if a teen isn't on their phone in the living room the whole party, they're all in a random room together doing fuck knows what. Honestly probably just playing video games or smoking. Or both. I wouldn't know)


Honestly I really just made this because I miss going to these parties

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