mitski :,)

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So I've been listening to Mitski more than usual cause uh, it's been a rough week. So did I spend hours of my life thinking of what mitski song some states would listen to and the lyrics they relate to the most? Damn right


First love/late spring - Florida
"Please don't say you love me"
"But now I find that I've grown into a tall child"

Honorable mentions:
Francis forever
"I don't need the world to see that I've been the best I can be"
"I'm not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be"


Jobless Monday - Nevada
Literally all of it. Like granted, every state here relates to all the songs they're getting but Ada, him specifically

Honorable mentions:
My body's made of crushed little stars
"I don't know how im gonna pay rent, oh I wanna see the whole world"


Texas Reznikoff - California
"You're the breeze in my Austin eyes"
"Texas is a landlocked state, it's pretty far away from the water, the house that I've wanted to make"

Honorable mentions:
A burning hill
"And I am the fire, and I am the forest, and I am a witness watching it"
"I just need someone to kiss, give me one good movie kiss and I'll be alright"


A Burning Hill - Colorado
"I can at least be neat, walk out and be seen as clean"
"And I'll go to work, and I'll go to sleep, and all of some littler things"
"And I am the fire, and I am the forest, and I am a witness watching it" but in different context than Cali

Honorable mentions:
Class of 2013


Last words of a shooting star - Alaska
"And while my dreams made music in the night, carefully I was going to live
"And you'd say you love me and look in my eyes, but i know through mine you were looking in yours"


Crack baby - New York
"You don't know what you want, but you know that you had it, and you know that you need it back"
"Went to your room thinking maybe you'd feel something"


Let's get married - Utah
It's just the only song soft enough for him to listen to

Honorable mentions:
A pearl
"Sorry I can't take your touch, it's not that I don't want you"
Pink in the night
if Illithiya dies cough cough
"I heard my heart breaking tonight, do you hear it too? It's like a summer shower with every drop of rain singing 'I love you i love you i love you'"

My body's made of crushed little stars - Gov
literally just, stress the song
"My body's made of crushed little stars and im not doing anything"
I pick an age when I'm gonna disappear, until then I will try again, until then I will try again"


I had to listen to too many Mitski songs for this. That's not as much of a complaint as it is a statement-

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