california and new york being kinda soft

508 28 10

Oh I made a book for the whole "death headcanons" thing
So if you wanna vibe with that

- Cali playing 'Jubilee Line' on a guitar with New York just petting one of his cats
Because Cali definitely listens to Wilbur Soot
Look at this man. He even looks like his minecraft character

- Anytime the other states see them together, it's just Cali talking to him about whatever topic it is at the moment, and New York quietly listening next to him

- They'd be the type to bake like a cake or some shit at 4am

- New York has caught California just absolutely baked in his room before
It'll mainly go along the lines of "dumbass this isn't healthy blah blah who are you Colorado?" and he'll just continue to flame him until he realizes Cali is crying, and trying to help him get back on his feet.

- New York calls him Goldie or Cal, and Cali just calls him York
He only doesn't call him Cali so he doesn't give the impression that he'll be another Oregon

- California is the only person who is allowed to see New York's hair
Usually goes along the lines of New York just being like "look at this, look at this fucking mess, and I cant show this shit in public", and Cali playing with the curls and saying it looks nice

- New York /does/ bully California sometimes, but in that way where Cali's allowed to bully him back

- Mass and Connecticut are just surprised New York managed to get a friend in the first place, and are even more shocked when they found out it was Cali out of all people

Not that they're not fine with it, just surprised
Very definitely said some out of pocket shit though

New York:
Connecticut: So how's your bottom boyfriend-
New York: Start running bitch
Connecticut: *screaming and runnin*
Massachusetts: *cackling*

- Other states have caught them actually like, laughing together and they think it's weird-

Cali will just awkwardly shuffle away while New York is just *glare*

- Florida likes to see them together because they're basically just the New York local crackheads colliding with the actual mess that is LA (mainly Hollywood but eh)
So chaos essentially

- The rest of this is just gonna be me going on about why I feel like they're soft

The main reason for their friendship started because the two were lonely, and New York actually managed to talk to Cali after seeing him leave a meeting

They're dynamic works out pretty well too, because where Cali finally has someone to listen to him and be kind to him, New York has someone who genuinely wants to speak and hang out with him. They just love their separate personalities, can acknowledge the bad traits they each have and move with it.

They are soft rats and I love them.

my bbs

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